My buildup of the pegasus Galaxy Quest Nebulizer

I'm in the middle of my own Nebulizer build.
At first I COVETED those grips, then realized I'd seen that pattern before, on the bottom of my feet.
The Tredsafe line of work shoes sold at Wal-Mart uses that EXACT pattern. I'm going to use the stock grips as a pattern to trace my own rubber grips from my shoes. .. eventually. I still need my shoes.
I've also done a cheap-ass electronics mod to my Neb and Vox, using a Wal-Mart toy raygun and a blinking mouth light for ravers. $6 each!
As for the AlClad, try Krylon Fusion instead. Spray it on, leave it alone for a week and it's on for a lifetime
Great Job!! After visiting the "Questarian " website, I'm thinking of adapting my Pegasus model into the Galaxy Quest TOS Ion Nebulizer as I think that it is much more detailed.
I'm looking forward to seeing Your Communicator.

Great Job!! After visiting the "Questarian " website, I'm thinking of adapting my Pegasus model into the Galaxy Quest TOS Ion Nebulizer as I think that it is much more detailed.
I'm looking forward to seeing Your Communicator.


I would love to see pictures of this build! I don't think I've seen an accurate build of this other than the reproductions that came out shortly after the film.
, Hi Taggart.
My best to Orco!! I never saw any of the TOS versions in Fandom. Of course, I was temporarily out of Fandom at the time, so...... Any way, I'm getting ready to move so I'll be here, just not doing anything until I move. I actually designed a rifle to go w/ the Pistol, but its going to take a while.
Gotta scoot for now, so cheers,
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Lovely work. Sad to hear about the Allclad still not very good. I've had luck with Kryolan Premium Silver Foil paint. Holds up to printed PLA fairly well.
Hi Luke,
Sorry this took so long to answer, but yes, the GQ:TOS Nebulizer is still in my to do list after I finish up the F.P. items. I hope to do a couple of GQ uniforms as well.
I was unaware that there were TOS Nebulizers released at all. How were they?

Cheers, Larry
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