Re: BUILD THREAD: My Apollo A7L Space Suit

This is unbelievable... I only recently started lurking around these forums, and I keep getting blown away by both new and old projects you guys are working on. The craftmanship and atention to detail is absolutely incredible!

Truly awesome stuff.
Re: BUILD THREAD: My Apollo A7L Space Suit

Finally broke out the sewing machine and serger to start the soft parts of the suit, which is what I've really been looking forward to. First, I experimented with a twin needle to do all the double stitching nice and neat:


The majority of my thought experimentation has been devoted to trying to duplicate the look and structure of the A7L suit, but make it light enough for comfortable costuming. I spent the last week putting my thought experiments to the test. I chose 3 different nylon fabrics to test: a heavyweight 420 denier nylon pack cloth (this is what Spaceworks used to make their replica suits as well as some of the online retailers who sell Apollo costume suits), a medium weight nylon "sport" cloth from Joanns, and a lightweight nylon flag cloth that I got wholesale. I also chose 3 different weights of batting (heavy, medium, and light). For the backing, or what will be the lining of the suit, I chose craft velour (the same stuff used on the 1st/2nd Season Star Trek TOS uniforms). The reason for that will be explained below.

I tried a combination of all of these different fabrics and batting weights and evaluated them for how accurate they looked, how comfortable they would be for costuming, and ease of production. I basically sewed 9 different test sleeves and tried them on. I didn't document this. It was VERY tedious, but very important IMO to getting an accurate-looking suit. I think the structure is where so many of the costumes for sale have fallen flat.

Ultimately, I chose the lightest weight batting and light nylon flag cloth. The heavyweight fabric was too difficult to sew. I could do it, but I'd have to be restringing the serger every few minutes. I want to make the suit as cool to wear as possible. Also, the lighter weight fabric ended up draping better than the heavyweight stuff. The real Apollo Thermal Micrometeroid Garment was 13 layers thick and was sewn with industrial sewing equipment, so it had a very stiff, but puffy appearing. If I used the heavyweight fabric, even the thickest batting would not have the body to adequately puff out the outer layer and look appropriate. So if I use a lighter fabric, I can simulate a better structure with only minimal batting behind it.

Here is one of the pattern pieces I created and the light weight batting:


Batting will only give the suit so much structure. In order to get the look of the "constant volume" convoluted arms, I created rigid structures for the inside of the suit made from garment boning strung together with elastic and velcro sewn to it. Here is the joint for the elbow:


The reason for the craft velour lining is so I can secure the rigid structures to the inside of the suit. Craft or "puppet" velour sticks to velcro quite well. I wanted to make the rigid structures adjustable depending on the wearer, so being able to tear them out and reposition them was essential:


The finished sleeve is lightweight and comfortable, but also stiff enough to hold it's shape and give the appearance of being a many-latered pressure suit. Also, thanks to the structures, I can bend my elbow without the entire sleeve collapsing. So it looks more like a pressure garment and not just an empty fabric sleeve.


I created the lower arm as a separate piece because the EVA Apollo suits had a bearing mid-arm that spun around and allowed for greater mobility. I will be making a lightweight version of this bearing and the upper arm/shoulder assembly next:

Re: BUILD THREAD: My Apollo A7L Space Suit

Lovely stuff. I'm in the planning stages of an A7LB suit and I am very much following your lead in some areas of manufacture. Did you do the urethane dipping for the gloves yourself, or was that outsourced? Where the gloves vulcanised, or is that unecessary for urethane rubber? I ask because I'm going to the knee and elbow convolutes if it's feasible to do at home. Look forward to your next update.
Re: BUILD THREAD: My Apollo A7L Space Suit

Yes, I did the rubber myself. Urethane rubber does not need to be vulcanized. Only natural rubber does. Each glove has 3 coats of urethane. You could also use silicone. All rubbers break down eventually, but silicone will last the longest. The only reason I didn't use silicone on my gloves is because the vintage glove dip was used to manufacture latex gloves and therefore has sulfur contamination. It would have prevented the silicone from curing. Eventually I plan to make a more accurate glove dip from scratch and will use silicone.

Lovely stuff. I'm in the planning stages of an A7LB suit and I am very much following your lead in some areas of manufacture. Did you do the urethane dipping for the gloves yourself, or was that outsourced? Where the gloves vulcanised, or is that unecessary for urethane rubber? I ask because I'm going to the knee and elbow convolutes if it's feasible to do at home. Look forward to your next update.
Re: BUILD THREAD: My Apollo A7L Space Suit

This is fantastic - major kudos! I just now discovered this thread after it was mentioned on collectSpace. The A7L has been one of my minor obsessions since I was a kid too (although I'm more of an A7LB guy to be more accurate). I am definitely interested in buying some of your extras etc. on eBay - or wherever - if and when you decide to make them available. What is your eBay seller name?

Thanks and from the Hawaiian islands, aloha.
Re: BUILD THREAD: My Apollo A7L Space Suit

Thanks and aloha to you! My eBay name is "ugcdozar." I will eventually be selling off a couple of completed suits, but I list components from time to time.

This is fantastic - major kudos! I just now discovered this thread after it was mentioned on collectSpace. The A7L has been one of my minor obsessions since I was a kid too (although I'm more of an A7LB guy to be more accurate). I am definitely interested in buying some of your extras etc. on eBay - or wherever - if and when you decide to make them available. What is your eBay seller name?

Thanks and from the Hawaiian islands, aloha.

A couple updates. It wouldn't be a true cosplay without a little EVA foam. I made the arm bearings out of foam so they'd be lightweight. The center strip of velcro is free-spinning, so when the arm is velcroed into the shoulder, it spins freely, just like the arm on the real A7L extravehicular suits:


I created a pattern for the shoulder. Also made the sleeve pockets for sunglasses, pens, and penlight and made the pressure gauge and release valve:


Here is the arm. It's just pinned together and hasn't been adjusted to my body yet. The suit will be somewhat modular and adjustable so I can custom make these for different people:



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Re: BUILD THREAD: My Apollo A7L Space Suit

Well, this is astonishingly good work.Well done!

I've been dabbling on and off with a current era EMU suit for about 5 years but haven't really got further than the HUT. I've picked it up again after not even looking at it for about 3 years and I'm certainly feeling spurred on by your efforts, but I have significantly less skill that;s for sure.

Before I stress myself out with the helmet, I'm considering moving on to the Comms Carrier Assembly. Yours CCA is perfect. I can understand perfectly that you'd want to protect your efforts, but do you share any of your patterns for any pieces at all? If so, I'd love any files or measurements you have any any format.

In any case, I admire your skill and attention to detail and wish you well with your amazing endeavour. I'll carry on watching with great interest.


Steve Lovell. (Mekon)
Re: BUILD THREAD: My Apollo A7L Space Suit

Thank you! I don't plan to release any patterns, but after I finish the suit, I will make components for people if they want. Any relation to Jim Lovell?

Well, this is astonishingly good work.Well done!

I've been dabbling on and off with a current era EMU suit for about 5 years but haven't really got further than the HUT. I've picked it up again after not even looking at it for about 3 years and I'm certainly feeling spurred on by your efforts, but I have significantly less skill that;s for sure.

Before I stress myself out with the helmet, I'm considering moving on to the Comms Carrier Assembly. Yours CCA is perfect. I can understand perfectly that you'd want to protect your efforts, but do you share any of your patterns for any pieces at all? If so, I'd love any files or measurements you have any any format.

In any case, I admire your skill and attention to detail and wish you well with your amazing endeavour. I'll carry on watching with great interest.


Steve Lovell. (Mekon)

I made the dust covers for the pressure gauge and release valve:


I also discovered that after all that work I did on the suit connectors, they are too small! I obtained a very old display suit for Omega watches that was made by Spaceworks (the same company that made the suits for Apollo 13). While the suit itself is horribly sun-damaged and the nylon is melting, it is a great pattern reference. The connectors on it are nice machined aluminum and are accurately sized. When compared to the ones I had 3D printed, they are significantly larger:


I eventually plan to get these connectors refinished (they are faded) and use them on my next suit, but they are too heavy for the lightweight costuming suit I am making now. So I cast them in lightweight resin. You can see how much larger they are than my first version. I was also aware that my first connectors were too small because when I laid them out on my pattern, they just looked a little undersized:

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Re: BUILD THREAD: My Apollo A7L Space Suit

I can't say much more than has already been said, but this is absolutely breath-taking. The level of finish is really something to aspire to.
Re: BUILD THREAD: My Apollo A7L Space Suit

That's really a shame, what happened with those connectors. And here was I thinking that they were spot-on!
Re: BUILD THREAD: My Apollo A7L Space Suit

Mine is 4"x6" as well. I saw a real beta cloth flag patch on eBay and those were the dimensions. That's also the size of the patch on the Spaceworks suit I have and also the general measurement I get from scaling. So I'm reasonably confident that's the correct size for the suit. The flag patch on the inflight coverall garment is smaller though.

Just out of curiosity, what size is that flag patch? I know that a lot of DIY A7Ls use 4"x6" ones, but what size is yours?
Re: BUILD THREAD: My Apollo A7L Space Suit

I patterned-out/sewed the torso and collar and attached the arms. Plastic rings and elastic give the suit structure, mimicking the pressure garment underneath. The real suit had steel cables that kept the convolutes at constant volume. I simulated that with elastic straps pulling the rigid structures into the shoulders. It's not completely done yet and I still need to build structure into the collar to hold the neck ring in the proper position, but I mocked it up:


Sewed the octagonal ports for the LEM tether attachment loops that go on either side of the waist. Small detail, but I love how this came out:


Sewed on the patches. Decided to use the most iconic patch (Apollo 11). My name is obviously inaccurate :lol


I finally fabricated this annoying little part. The buckle that goes in the center of the chest. The PLSS attaches to the loop:

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