My 11th Doctor


New Member

Long time lurker and occasional random poster of "Awesome build" comments. I figured I should show off my 11th Doctor costume that I put together from reading this site and others.


G-Star Jeans ~$120
Blue Shirt from Target ~$20
Stacy Adam's Madison Cap Toe Boot ~$90-100
Suspenders ~$20
Bow Tie ~$10
Stetson 2X ~$65
Thrift Store Jacket ~$5

Here is my first attempt at the 11th Doctor at Dragon Con in 2011. I had a Steve Ricks jacket on order, but hadn't paid for it all yet, etc.
The first thrift store I walked into had a "close enough" for the season 6 jacket. It's actually a woman's jacket if you look at which side the buttons are on. For 5 bucks it did the job and was the right color. (Sorry to sound snobbish, but I hate seeing grey jackets on doctors. Just a peeve of mine.)




Upgraded the shirt to the style first seen in the season 6 premiere as well as a Jacket made by Steve Ricks. Total cost was somewhere between 4-600 GBP I believe. That might have included the fedex shipping. It was worth it.

A few upgrades, longer (and dyed) hair and we have this in 2012!
(Note: the Mocking Jay pin isn't canon, but with a time machine that can go anywhere, it isn't inconceivable.)

With the 1st Doctor

And two fun pictures from Star Wars Celebration 6


Thanks for taking a look. I got some more "fun" photos in my flickr album
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Awesome m8! I must say though, I believe you're missing 1 thing. A gold watch on the left arm, :eek:

But otherwise, FANTASTIC! The next con I'd like to go as either The Doctor, or Spider-Man (even though Spidey is "overdone.")
The Prop Lord, good spot! That was something I tried to pick up when I was stateside, but lost out of some ebay auctions. I'll start cruising the auction sites here in Japan. :)

Dorian, Thanks!
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