Morgan's Staff (The Walking Dead)

Usagi Pilgrim

Master Member
May have ID'd a 'close-enough' Morgan staff...

Been looking for a few days for martial arts jo's & bo's, specifically with the twist in the middle. I struck out over & over til a friend mentioned walking sticks. Searching for twisted walking staffs brought this up.

Based on Lennie James' height, the length seems right. Removing the rubber foot may require an inch or so to be removed from the end, but we'll see. I'm in need of a good hiking stick, so this one should be here by Monday.

It needs to be said, I think there are a couple of different staffs being used. In last season's scenes with Morgan, you could see a leather strap through the top, much like this one. It's not been visible in the season finale or this season's premiere. In the scene on the porch, when he was wiping it down, he turned it a few times with no evidence of the hole for the strap. My thoughts are that he's cleaning the business end of the staff, so there'd be no hole. Then again, it does look like there's no real 'right' way up or down, since it looks to be the same diameter except for the twist. It's hard for me to tell in the pictures, but the Brazos stick doesn't look like it has too much of a taper, but again. we'll see.:confused
Looks spot on to me.

Morgan's staff definitely has a hole in the end for the strap.


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After tonight's episode, I may be picking this up as well. Any pictures you can share of the one you bought?

I have a couple, but it may be a couple of days.

Overall, it's not exact. The staff isn't round, except for the last foot or so. It's more of a flattened oval, with the hole on the flat side. The twist is spot on, & although the description says there's no taper, it does a bit about that last foot.

Don't misunderstand, IT IS AWESOME !!!

The finish was a lot darker than the show, but that changes from episode to episode. I took a bit of sandpaper to it, to give it a bit of weathering, but I'm leaving it as-is, unless I decide to strip it to natural.

Overall, for cosplay, it's a shade better than 'close enough', & as a walking stick, or even as a jo, it's great.
I have a couple, but it may be a couple of days.

Overall, it's not exact. The staff isn't round, except for the last foot or so. It's more of a flattened oval, with the hole on the flat side. The twist is spot on, & although the description says there's no taper, it does a bit about that last foot.

Don't misunderstand, IT IS AWESOME !!!

The finish was a lot darker than the show, but that changes from episode to episode. I took a bit of sandpaper to it, to give it a bit of weathering, but I'm leaving it as-is, unless I decide to strip it to natural.

Overall, for cosplay, it's a shade better than 'close enough', & as a walking stick, or even as a jo, it's great.

Awesome! Were you able to remove the rubber "foot"?
Well that settles it then. Time to buy it before they disappear off amazon. Thanks for the info!

I ended up buying mine directly from Fashionable Canes website, Got a free braided leather strap.

I also contacted the maker of the staff to see if they knew if it was one of theirs. The lady that answered couldn't understand what I was asking, since the DO offer some licensed canes, she thought I wanted to order a WD staff. After some explaining, we got on the same page, & she said that they had not supplied any staffs to the production directly, but if it had the twist in it, then it was more than likely one of theirs with some mods made by the prop department.

Good enough for me.:thumbsup
I will not see the episodes untill they release on Blu next year, yeah I know! :lol

I have to live vicariously through the posts on this board untill then.

Will be interesting to see Morgans arc especially this season.

I think Eastman liked this quote from "The Art Of Peace",

"The art of peace is not easy, it is a fight to the finish, the slaying of evil deserves and all falsehood within.

On occasion the voice of peace resounds like thunder, jolting human beings out of their stupor"

It is a bit awkward to usae as a jo, especially in thrusting strikes where the jo should be sliding through the grip.

BTW Apollo. Do you recognize the kata that Eastman teaches him? I'm new to akido weaponry, & don't recognize the opening stance.
I will not see the episodes untill they release on Blu next year, yeah I know! :lol

I have to live vicariously through the posts on this board untill then.

Will be interesting to see Morgans arc especially this season.

I think Eastman liked this quote from "The Art Of Peace",

"The art of peace is not easy, it is a fight to the finish, the slaying of evil deserves and all falsehood within.

On occasion the voice of peace resounds like thunder, jolting human beings out of their stupor"

Don't watch it til the end if you don't want a
Never seen that one before as a opener but I can see how they got it if that makes sense.

As always they have to "Hollywood it up" for the cameras.

Most training at the start will bore you to tears, but you have to learn to crawl before you walk and then run! :lol

This reminds me of Michonne

"The penetrating brillance of swords wielded by the followers of the way strikes at the evil enemy lurking deep within their own souls and bodies"
I agree I think he may have a couple different bo-staff/walking stick's. They seem to change between fighting and close ups. To me at least some scenes it appears like its very organic. Carved directly from a branch if you will. Others its more like a twisted broom handle. The stain appears lighter and darker scene to scene as well.

The little black leather strap is most certainly there

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The company that makes these is located in Texas, & called BRAVOS. They make the stick in several different lengths & woods (Which I only found out after ordering the one I did from a 3rd party).

After talking to their customer service rep, I'm sure that the 'twist' in the middle is proprietary to BRAVOS. When I described the TV version to her, she said that although they didn't directly provide them, if it had the twist, then it was theirs.
BRAZOS click on my link they are located in Waco Texas.

I ordered mine in 58 length with the red stain they shipped the same day.

Nice catch as it IS one of theirs used.
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