MMPR White Ranger Build


New Member
hey there
this is the start of my mmpr white ranger build and itll be my first full costume, ive gone for the suit from the series as im not to keen on the movie version,
ive started the helmet, its at a very early stage and hasnt even got the tiger pattern on it yet but cant wait to get on with it just not enough time in the day lol,
any way picture below and ill keep posting pictures to show progress any questions ask either on this thread or via PM
ive already got the accurate helmet clasps on the way and i am waiting for saba to arrive gonna start the suit and the sheild once the helmet is done or atleast close :)


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helmet clasps have arrived just need painting white :)
any suggestions on paint to use?


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As many times as I've seen helmet builds, I would imagine someone would have stated they used a different paint for clasps than the rest of the helmet. But they haven't. I am thinking you just drill the clasps onto the helmet and then paint it all once. And I've seen time and time again, people saying to use automotive paint when painting Ranger helmets. I purchased magnets to make the helmet clasp together, like Sentai footage. Unfortunately, I no long have work space to finish a helmet :(
thanks for the input guys think ill just have a go and see how it goes
anyway i got some foam mat the other day and couldnt wait to start work on the shield so i grabbed a picture off google

i then took the measurments from pic and scaled it and with a little bit of guess work (very little lol) this is what i have drawn
my white ranger sheild template.jpg

i might change the neck hole slightly but its looking ok shape wise, what you guys think?
i will start working on this at some put this week cant wait i am gonna make a full size paper template to try on for the fit to see what needs altering if anythng
i will obviously post progress and also my saba arrived its the original toy version not the legacy one (i will get the legacy one in the future but for now this one will do :)
as far as the helmet is coming ive started the tiger pattern only done one side and it looks abit messy but ive done it this way to get it the way i wanted to look
alot of filling and sanding but i dont mind if the end result is good, also ive altered the visor area slightly as it didnt look quite right let me no what you guys thoughts are on it (i put some colour on it so you can see it better)
hey i scaled the shield and made a paper version to see if it looked ok and it does so happy might make it come down a bit more but other than that im happy will do more this week
(ignore the mess that was a beard my shaver died as i was cutting it lol)


and also ive ordered some plain gloves so i can make cuffs seperate and re-use the gloves for other rangers :)
i will probably do the same with the boots aswell
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