Metro 2033 Volt Driver research/build journal

Spent the last few days in the metal shop at work creating the black base unit and here's the results. I left a piece of the old MDF version, which broke when the gun fell off my bench a while back. Not gonna use that stuff again, even if it was nice MDF!

The body is sheet metal, with blocks milled out of aluminum to provide some strength. Screws hold them in place, threading into tapped holes in the metal.

The really big plus here is having storage room for components like batteries, arduino, sound system, etc. plus the overall strength of it. Having those "ears" made of aluminum is going to be a huge plus, as they have to hold the small analog meter and not have anything snap off.

You can see the old MDF version, and why I am not going to use it again :)

Note that there is a groove milled into the mid piece to allow wires to pass between sections.

The assembled unit.

Now that I'm on this metal roll, I think I'm going to go ahead and remake the rest of the main body out of real metal rather than MDF. This would be the silver pieces in the picture below...

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Oh one other twist to the build. I have been looking into circuits able to create a really good loud spark "snap" on firing that can run off batteries. Spark Fun has this great little product that might do the trick -> Basically I can fire that thing off each time you trigger the gun to create a nice loud (and authentic) SNAP!

Alternately I was thinking of putting a Marx Generator along the barrel, which also can make a really kick ass (and actually ass kicking) spark. See Build a simple Marx Generator for an example. Probably would put the spark parts inside a plastic tube to prevent direct exposure, and also perhaps have a disable switch for it just so I don't zap anyone (or myself) playing around with it.
Wow, this build is insane! I'm glad I discovered it and I'm glad you're still grinding it out. Subscribed!

This build has everything: great original prop, real-world electronics, identifying and hunting for parts, woodwork, metalwork, arduino...the list goes on and on! Great work!

- JD
Thanks JD. Yea it's definitely an interesting amalgam of stuff!

So you know what I found out the other day? The new DLC for Metro Last Light includes a variation on the gun - some of the same components but a different layout. So I sense a new build after this one is done.

The other gun that's kind of interesting is the bike gun - all made from old bike parts...


Mind you then I'll probably be ordering used bike seats off eBay from the Ukraine to build it ;)
Mind you then I'll probably be ordering used bike seats off eBay from the Ukraine to build it ;)

:lol But seriously, I'm surprised there aren't more Metro builds. It's kinda like the game itself, I guess; a sleeper hit.

I haven't played Metro 2033, but Metro: Last Night is soooo compelling--you're really immersed in that world. I'm kinda worried going back to the first game might take the shine off the experience a bit. For example, even though I preferred the first Left4Dead's environments over L4D2's outdoor environments, going back was painful because they had improved the graphics and game mechanics in the sequel so much.

- JD
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I haven't gotten far enough into 2033 to see this gun yet, i started out with Last Light first. Bethesda could take some lessons on post apocalyptic from these folks. This is a great looking build.
I haven't gotten far enough into 2033 to see this gun yet, i started out with Last Light first. Bethesda could take some lessons on post apocalyptic from these folks. This is a great looking build.

So the Volt Driver isn't in Last Light, but is in the first game. Actually there is a new version of it (called the Hellbreath) in the Last Light DLC that's very similar but a bit different in design - more modular with a few components rotated 90 degrees. Same concept though.
I was eyeballing the DLC as i know i've got psn points coming for christmas. I think you've made the most accurate game prop ever with tracking everything down.
I was eyeballing the DLC as i know i've got psn points coming for christmas. I think you've made the most accurate game prop ever with tracking everything down.

Don't overlook the RPK it's 0.99 and worth it.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk.
This build is very much in the spirit of surviving in the game world. I'm surprised there aren't more builds either, especially the portable charger used to keep your lights going. I was wondering if the postcards are real world too. Sadly i heard news of the franchise and last light may be the last good game.
Hmm I'm kind of behind on this build, aren't I?

Life, my MG Midget rebuild (real, not prop!) and Burning Man prep (LED art installation) are consuming my time it seems. Hmmm Burning Man Khan costume? Not sure if that weaponized cosplay would go over so well...
Hope i'm not too late.
If you need somebody who can translate russian -> english or somebody in Russia itself - i'm on your service.
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