Metal Gear Solid PSG-1 Prop Build


Active Member
I've done multiple props before and logged progress on IG, but I have yet to do a build thread. There's a first for everything! Gearing up w/reference photos of sniper wolf to begin CAD modeling soon.

The reference photo roundup is finally complete and the beginning of the CAD'ing has begun. Starting w/the scope and scope attachment. And what's fun is since this is both a real life rifle AND a rifle in the game (and others like GTA, turns out), there is a wide way for interpretation. But...onward and upward! CAD files have begun!


Can't wait!
thanks! I'm hoping my friend who's going to DragonCon as Sniper Wolf will model a couple finished pictures w/it. Here's hoping!
Limited CAD time today, but extremely pleased that multiple sub-assemblies are done, constrained, and exported in mesh format. Just finished converting a couple pieces into .gcode/.x3g format and can actually start making physical pieces this afternoon. This sucker's going to be +4 ft long when it's done!

Look up the Tokyo Marui airsoft version. There are bound to be some exploded assembly drawings with measurements online somewhere.
I had an airsoft PSG-1 a few years ago, it was a heavy beast to carry around.
Look up the Tokyo Marui airsoft version. There are bound to be some exploded assembly drawings with measurements online somewhere.
I had an airsoft PSG-1 a few years ago, it was a heavy beast to carry around.

Thanks for the tip! This has given me a good lead on some new, interesting references and insights.I didn't realize there was a 1:1 scale airsoft version of this rifle (I kept researching all the info on the fielded model).
Build update - I finally have 3 of the 4 main sub-sections CAD'd, exported, converted into .x3g files (cut to fit my build space), and ready to print! Tonight we begin making physical sections while I start to CAD up the final section - the grip - where they'll all assemble together. We're dealing with 1:1 scaling on the dimensions, so we're talking +4 ft on the final build and A LOT of filament. If all goes to plan, I can start simple construction and assembly of the sub-sections this weekend. Here's hoping!



  • Barrel.bmp
    1.4 MB · Views: 252
  • Gun Butt.bmp
    1.4 MB · Views: 211
  • Sniper Sight.bmp
    1.4 MB · Views: 212
Another update after this weekend's work. I spent a bit of time working on the detailed main grip section. Lots of bolts, odd geometries, redoes for structural consideration, fighting w/the CAD program, etc. But the CAD model is 95% done and printing has commenced! Extremely stoked to finally start getting my hands on some physical parts. So much filament, so many pieces, such a large build. More images to come tonight - apparently dropbox doesn't want to play nice at the moment...

After a couple days, we've got the first batch of printed pieces done! This is probably ~50% (ish) of the final build but at least now I can start sanding/E6000ing/bondoing/dremelling/sanding away! I know what I'm doing this weekend...

Pre-weekend progress update: assembled the initial sub-assemblies while the final pieces print. Lots and lots of seems on this one. Sanding, bondoing, and further assembly on deck for this weekend! This is the nerve-wracking stage where it's starting to assemble its final form but it's still in enough small, odd pieces that you're all "well, here's hoping the plan works!". Faith+++

After a weekend with limited buildtime (hooray life!), I completed the printing. All pieces are printed! (tho not pictured) and made some further assembly of the sub-pieces. Bondo and further building continues next...

assembling: done.
bonding, shaping, sanding: done!
priming, painting, trimming, sealing, finishing: on deck. Awww yeah

The scale/ruler is for reference. It's 1ft long...
After priming but pre-painting. I had to show it off next to my other current build (surprise!) - the Rocket Raccoon 1:1 scale gun from Guardians of the Galaxy! It's the same size as in the movie, and you can see how much bigger the 1:1 scale Sniper Wolf PSG-1 model is. #BigGuns #HubbaHubba

And we're done! Just in time for Dragon Con (and as soon as it was finished, it left me on its way to its new forever home). She was so excited - seriously made all the time, effort, and work worth it. This was a challenging project (every project I do, I make sure to incorporate at least 1 new thing I've never done before) - pretty damn happy w/my first purely from reference photos CAD model and subsequent build! Plus, it's freaking huge! Nose to tip, over 4ft in length. But CAD'd, printed (in many, many small sections), assembled, bondoed, sanded, fixed, primed, painted, and sealed. That was a helluva project! And even though I'm supposed to take a breath now, I gotta still finish that Rocket Raccoon gun before Dragon Con too! T-7 Days and counting.....

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