Mass Effect 2 N7 Armor Builds

Started a test to see if the EVA will work for making a few guns. Doing these as speed builds so probably not going to be exact or perfect. I should have these both finished in 2 or 3 days tops.

First I made a quick drawing of the M8 Assault Rifle and cut it out of the foam. I cut channels inside and inserted a skeleton to keep it rigid. Got the cores for both guns cut, assembled and rough sanded the edges. Also got the next layers for them rough cut. 2 layers thick for the core of the gun. It will be 6 layers thick in total using the 1/2 inch thickness foam. This means a lot of seams on the edges but I plan to skin just about everything with 1/8 thick foam sheeting. At this point I'm just building it up to then sand down into the proper shape.


I when you curved you chest piece, did you already have it assembled (the chest/ribs/abs), or did you wait til after?

Also I'm thinking about applying this to some other projects but was wondering how many of those mats has it taken to make the male suit. I'm 6'10, so I'm trying to gauge how many I might need.

I shape them first then glue them,.. otherwise heating the foam to shape would soften the glue.

For each suit I think I used about 4 packs. (about 16 sheets)

Was wondering if these were the EVA sheets you purchased? They sound exactly as what you have described here...

Google Image Result for

and did you use a black and gray color or just gray and the backing is black?

Yes they look to be the same as what I am using, I buy mine locally from Harbor Freight. Mostly Grey colored but I did use some black for some of the parts backing.

how did you do the compound curves? What was used to cut the material cleanly? If you use scissors on foam, you don't get a square cut, its more "wedge" cut.

Check the earlier posts on my N7 Armor Blog where I show the tools and forms I made for shaping some of the compound curves. (as in boobs)
You're mad! But I'll admit you've got me hooked. Can't wait to see your EVA rifle (I guess EVA rifle just got a whole new meaning).
the EVA for a rifle sounds insane, but fascinating!

well if you decide to be a vanguard you can actually hit people with it.
the EVA for a rifle sounds insane, but fascinating!

well if you decide to be a vanguard you can actually hit people with it.

Exactly, this is pretty much going to be a "stunt" prop...... and I get a +5 to alcohol safety for sticking with the Nerf theme.
What do you use to glue the EVA together with? Do you seal it with anything? It seems like a great medium. Does it hold up well? This could be used to make batman armor, iron man.. lots of stuff.
I guess this method of building armor can't really be done with out having a mannequin roughly your same size eh? I'm assuming you form the pieces around your custom mannequin for the perfect fit. Great WIP details btw! Awesome personal page EvilFX!
I'm loving this thread I don't really reply that much I'm more active on the 405th with halo stuff but I had to try this out, unfortunately my local Harbor Freight doesn't carry the grey so I got black. tell me does this look familiar?


What do you use to glue the EVA together with? Do you seal it with anything? It seems like a great medium. Does it hold up well? This could be used to make batman armor, iron man.. lots of stuff.

I'm David's Girlfriend. David will not be online for probally a few days. On Thursday evening, Tree Smashed through and destroyed his Master Bedroom. He has no power and doesn't even know if his electronics are fried or not at this point.

As for your question (I'm the girl he's building the FemShep for), He uses Hot Glue. Not the Craft Store kind but the industrial Grade quality. He get's them from Gluesticksdirect on Ebay. He makes channels first with his dremel tool so that the Glue will adhere well to the foam ad keeping the glue from spreading around and spilling over. With the 1/2 inch thick EVA, Hot glue is not a problem. Smaller thicknesses might melt and leave bumpiness. He also used E6000 to adhere the smaller thickness foam to the shoes. It's what I use for foamies myself.

I hope you don't mind me answering your questions. Despite what he thinks, I pay close attention to what he's doing when he's working. LOL
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I guess this method of building armor can't really be done with out having a mannequin roughly your same size eh? I'm assuming you form the pieces around your custom mannequin for the perfect fit. Great WIP details btw! Awesome personal page EvilFX!

David, does not use the Mannequins for shaping. all his shaping is either done on devices he has made himself to get the right shape or with his bare hands. The Breastplate and the upper hips on the Female Shepard were done on homemade forms to get the compound curves correct. If you read his blog, he has details on how he formed the breastplate. The rest is heated with a Industrial Quality heat gun (I think his is a Stanley). then formed with his hands.

As I mentioned. David is not available online right now. We had Storms come through yesterday and huge gum tree fell through his house.
Tell David I wish him the best and am praying for things to go right in the recovery. I hate to see this happen to folks, hopefully homeowners will step up and this will get done fast.

Is he out of Dragon Con now? Poor dude.
Tell David I wish him the best and am praying for things to go right in the recovery. I hate to see this happen to folks, hopefully homeowners will step up and this will get done fast.

Is he out of Dragon Con now? Poor dude.

He doesn't think he can do it. I am still going tentatively. I have another week to think about it before making any cancellations. I want him to go. I think after this, he may need a vacation. The problem is he has no power and will not for quite some time. He was in a groove too.

I will let him know that people are thinking about him. This is indeed a very stressful time.
i said it on facebook but i can say it again, i hope everything turns out well and he should try to get to dragoncon, cons are always a good way to enjoy yourself
Dang, that's downright depressing news. Good to hear that nobody got hurt. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything will be ship-shape in a jiffy.
Dang, that's downright depressing news. Good to hear that nobody got hurt. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything will be ship-shape in a jiffy.

I don't know about being fixed in a Jiffy. But as long as the roof (which is gone) and the walls are fixed and inspected and new electrical put in, he can get the electric back on. God Love the guy, he's run an extension cord from his parents house and is working on the assault rifles with minimal reference pics. As long as he has a his dremel and hot glue gun, he can work. I really want him to make it to dragoncon. It was going to be our vacation this year. The problem is, not only has his home been partially destroyed, his livlihood has been put on hold. It's the unfortunate nature of being self-employed. Keep him in your thoughts. He might be able to get online sometime this week but it's not his priority at the moment.
Holy crap, sorry to hear that happened! I remember those storms But by the time they hit my area they didnt last very long, aso I assumed they didnt do much damage. Hopefully he's able to work something out for dragoncon, and if he needs any assistance I'd be willing to help out, cause everyone needs to be able to embrace that which is dragoncon!
Holy crap, sorry to hear that happened! I remember those storms But by the time they hit my area they didnt last very long, aso I assumed they didnt do much damage. Hopefully he's able to work something out for dragoncon, and if he needs any assistance I'd be willing to help out, cause everyone needs to be able to embrace that which is dragoncon!

He believes it was a microburst because his awnings on his windows were crushed by wind.. His house backs up to the woods and a tree that had been previously struck by lightning (it was rotted), fell through his Master Bedroom and took out the roof, a wall and his hallway. David does have a donation button on his website. It was mostly to help him run his site but if anyone wants to help him out, that's probally the best way as it goes directly to his paypal account. He is still selling his insectiod Guyver helmet if anyone is interested. A pic is on his Blog. You can contact me if anyone wants it. He was selling it for $300. Which is a bargain.

Luckily the N7 Armor, Guyver Suits and his Original Star Wars Collection was on the other end of the house.
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