Marty's 1955 Skateboard


Sr Member
Just watching BTTF and started wondering if anyone ever thought about making Marty's 1955 skateboard. It seems like it would be a pretty easy build.


i like the idea, and have planned on taking a crack at this in the near future (after i get done with the ones I am currently working on), how did it go for you? or did you even try to make one?
I'm still working on it. The wheels are pretty tough to match. The top board piece is pretty easy.

I'm not sure what the piece that's making the spark on the back is.

I DID do a completely non-screen accurate one for my brother for Halloween, which turned out okay.

Here was the situation: my nrother said he's going as 1985 Marty for Halloween. I immediately set out looking for all the proper components (same jeans, same Walkman, etc.).

Me: I've been doing some research and I think you can pull this off for around $250 if we take some time and do this carefully.
Him: I spent $8 at Goodwill this afternoon.

I gotta admit, it looked pretty good....
It did? Because the photos don't show it (that's my way of saying you should post pictures).

Yeah, I know, I know... pics or it didn't happen.
When I get it back, I'll take pics of the skateboard, but I don't have any pics of him. =(
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