The Frodo and Yoda are my favorite pieces, they're breathtaking. The only thing that bugs me is the returns batman. Aside from the cowl, the rubber armor on his gloves should be either under them, or on his calves. Great work on everything else though. Very nice to see a post like yours.
Amazing work! :thumbsup I really like them all (particularly Frodo), but the one I keep being drawn to is Yoda - it is simply stunning. I don't know that I've seen a Yoda statue/bust yet that I've liked as much as this one; it just feels "alive" to me, as if he could start talking to me at any moment.

Excellent work, and thanks for sharing the pics. :)
That Freddy and Jason Statues are just incredible. Jason looks like he is about to take someone apart. :eek
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