Malcolm Reynolds Browncoat - WIP pics and questions

Obi Dar

New Member
Hello everyone! I joined up here a while ago, but I have been doing a lot of reading, and haven't been posting much yet. I wanted to show off what I have been working on, and seek a little advice while I'm at it.

I have been working on a Malcolm Reynolds costume to wear to a con in a couple of weeks. A lot of things are "good enough for now", to get ready in time, but I plan on upgrading to better stuff in the future. Here's what I have so far.

After reading a bit here, I found the link to Wild West Mercantile. I got these.
Frontier Classics Frontier Trousers | Wild West Mercantile
I couldn't find the correct stripe material, so I used what I could find. It's just a 1" brown stripe. The boots are the riding boots I have for my Jedi costume.

Here's my coat. Ignore the red shirt. I found one that is a deeper red that I'll be using. I modified a trench coat pattern and made the coat myself out of some leather I found on sale at the Tandy store. It was a challenge, but I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. I still need to make or find some buckles.

The gun came from Arsenal Models. I'm not completely happy with it, but it's the best I could find so far. It's really not a great casting, but I can work with it. I'll clean it up as best I can and paint it, but I want to get a better one after the convention.

Here is the holster I am working on. This was my first attempt at leather work, and I'm pleased with how well it went.


Here's where I need some help. I have the girth strap finished. I just have to put it on. I realized too late that I probably should have cut slots in the back of the holster for it to feed through. Same with the thin straps that tie to the leg. What do you folks suggest I do to attach these pieces? All of the reference pictures I could find showed the holster from the front, but I couldn't find a picture of the back side. Does anyone have a picture they could post for me?

Thanks in advance.
I don't have any pics handy, but the strap and leg lace have to be put on before you sew the holster together. It can still be done, sort of, but it won't be easy or durable. Your best bet is to cut your stitching open and attach the stuff, then sew it back up.
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