Lighted droid caller, from a real Kobold flashgun (with vid on page 2)

Re: Droid caller from a real Kobold flashgun

Here we go again. :lol

As the threads from the big screw and the bottom of the Kobold were not matching, i made a disc from black 2mm styrene which fits inside the Kobold.

The disk got a hole thats 1mm smaller than the thread from the screw - this way the alu-screw is able to tap the needed thread in the softer disc (i have no tapping tools for inch-sizes, only metric). After that is done outside, it´s only needed to put the disc inside and hold it with your fingertips while screwing the screw in. Tighten with your hand only, it will hold (due to using a styrene disc), no need for brutal force.

Looks good and is centered

Next step was to rip all it´s internal parts



Looks promising for including a flashlight and a buzzer. Buzzer is a 10 minutes job - but producing a flashlight that snaps in the original mount (to be able to change between "cool" and "screen accurate") might be a nice challenge. :cool

Now i need to find a nice flashlight in the right size, to donate the needed parts.
Re: Droid caller from a real Kobold flashgun

Hi Michael,

Good to know that the screw belongs to the original Kobold Flashgun Unit. Now I know what to look for if I too want my Han ANH Droidcaller to become screen accurate. Thanks for your offer to give me measurements etcetera but I don't know anybody here in the outskirts of the galaxy with a CNC who could replicate that screw for me besides I rather have the vintage authentic parts over newly made.

Re: Droid caller from a real Kobold flashgun

Hi Chaim,

sure, authentic/vintage is prefered - but it may be a possible way to go, if no original shows up. If ... you know where to find me. :)
Re: Droid caller from a real Kobold flashgun

I checked all my flashlights, and oh wonder, i had one that was exact the type i needed. :cool

I talked to a friend who is electrical worker, and a passionate fotographer, AND StarWars-fan - and he asked me if i really want to rip apart such a part of the history of fotographie. He accepted that i scrap some inner parts, as it will never be used as a flashgun again, but he convinced me to try something special. ;)

There is a movable pin in the middle for "+", and "-" is connected with the housing

There is a original insert for the fast change of the flash-bulbs

It has a small indention for the securing screw

And one for the bayonet lock

If the release is pressed, the middle pin snaps the insert out


I decided to try to make a new insert with the flashlight parts - that way i can have it screen acurate with popped out insert, and cool with pressed in light-insert. :)

I scrapped the flashlight, and made a new insert from some aluminium with my lathe. Outer dia as the original part, but slighly deeper, as the original has a moving middle-pin and the new one not

It has the indention for the securing screw

And for the lock

A view inside it, with the part from the scrapped flashlight and the lens of it (the gray stuff is a kind of blue tack, it will be glued permanent after the electric is done and i see the light :lol )

The new and the original inserts.

The final test of the proper function - it snaps in as it was planned :lol

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand ............. it pops out when the release is pressed. Bingo! :love

I think it looks pretty good - and with just a small movement of the thump it is screen accurate again. :cool


The lamp needs 3 AAA batteries (there is room enough).

If i find a buzzer that is small enough to fit in another of these inserts and works with the 3x 1,5V, i will make another one for the buzzer. :)
Re: Droid caller from a real Kobold flashgun

Hi Michael,

Looking real good. Nice work in progress.

Re: Droid caller from a real Kobold flashgun

Thanks Chaim. :)

I will show some lighted pics later - it works like a charm. :cool
Re: Lighted droid caller, from a real Kobold flashgun

Here are the promised pics. :)

After beeing sure that everything works fine, i looked for an additional reflector, and secured the parts with some silicone. Every parts snaps together and holds without it - but i want to ensure to get no trouble later.

While the silicone is drying, its a good time to do some soldering work - connecting + with the switch, and from the switch to the middle pin

A rough cut 0,5mm styrene plate for isolation

Some foamed rubber to ensure the batterybox has a tight fit


Some light milling was done to ensure enough space for the batterybox to fit inside the Kobold

Everything fits together as wished :cool

The lens is still missing, it will be glued in after the silicone has dried


(It´s brighter with the lens)
Re: Lighted droid caller, from a real Kobold flashgun

And, for better visualisation, a small vid:

Last edited:
Excellent job!


Thanks. :)

Now i need to find some matching parts to build a buzzer-insert. Not as easy as expected, most are bigger and/or need more power. Lighting is easy, buzzing would be too - but both interchangeable seems to be harder.

More challenge, more fun. :cool
awesome looking caller. Where would one look to find these old flash guns?


No idea - my best bet would be to search ebay, or antique shops with vintage camera equipment. Or maybe the junkyards of vintage camera related forums.

I searched ebay for a long time, and this was the only one i have seen there.