Last Action Hero Ticket?

I would be Mister X from Dallas and own the original Magic Ticket from Last Action Hero and only unripped ticket left. Attached here are a pic from the movie (so you can see it's NOTHING like the one from the pinball machine) and the front and back pictures of the orginal ticket that still have "The Prop Store on London" watermark on them.

THIS is what it looks like.

Very nice, thank you! I assume the "1992" on the back is a typo on the original? On the front it's 1922...

I talked to Michael Marcus about that (yes, I found him online right after I bought the ticket to verify it's authenticity. The Prop Store of London had already verified it, but I wanted confirmation for insurance reason. You can also see the attached article on Michael Marcus that he sent me).

He told me it was indeed a typo when it was created (in 1992 even though the movie didn't hit theaters until 1993). All three original tickets had the typo. Since no one was going to be able to SEE the ticket that closely on film - no one thought it would matter.

I like this ticket, but it's probably beyond my skills to recreate. I have a question though, and I guess it applies to other props, too. If you were going to make/recreate this would you want it 100% screen accurate, or would you correct the typo?
That's a whole 'nother can of worms, my friend. The two sides of the issue usually coexist peacefully, but every once in a while the implicit conflict erupts into a twelve-page thread that concludes nothing.

It's all up to the guy making the prop. If it's you, ask yourself which you prefer and go with that.
The fancy ornamentation is going to be the hardest part to reproduce, I'm sure there are people who can work out the non-english writing easy enough... other than that it looks like it's printed on thin cream paper and stuck to a stiffer, white paper or card.
I swear I've seen most of the border art on that ticket in a very early version of Print Shop.

If the scrolly bits are clip art then this shouldn't be too hard to do... If anyone has the time/patience to sift through an internets-worth of images to find the right clip art.
Well, I JUST so happen to be an I.T. guy.

All you really need to recreate an authentic replica of this would be a High-Res scan of the orginal.

It you note the tear on the left hand side you can see it's a light gold film over cardstock.
I have an update if anyone would be interested in knowing this.

After getting the movie on BlueRay and pausing it, I noticed a MAJOR continuity error and contacted some friends to verify.

You can look at the wiki page as I just updated it.

Take your pick on which one is the "real ticket" now. HUGE movie mistake around the central plot of a film.
Here's the back of "Version #1" just as Nick is ripping it.

...and I can't believe I didn't notice this movie mistake myself and it's never been mentioned anywhere before.
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