Ladman's Patriot Warmachine Build

Thanks Jackie!

This has been the most fun making. Me and TheRealStark just finished up the rest of the programming last night and tested it. It came out amazing. I will have a new video latter on with it being fully operational.

He also helped me out on designing the arc reactor for the IP. It will work just like his Unibeam 2.0. Once i get the parts and get the board made i will have video and pictures for that as well.
Great work man! oh one other thing, i recommend to add some little black or white stripes on every connected pepakura people can see the details on your costume...just a recommend
i was not happy with the lack of detail in that suit. The one i am making now will have all the little detail pieces in it.
Just a little update. I have been working for a few weeks now on trying to replicate Doc's gloves and fingers. After looking at all of his videos and reference images, i was able to guess how he did it. I made a few of my own templates to use, and the tips of the fingers i had to make and modify. I ended up using a wood burning tool to make all the folds on the underneath side of all the foam so that there would be nice creases and not a lot of glued lines. I have to thank DocHolidy78 for posting all of his progression shots. They helped me out a lot. Here is what i have so far. This is a fist rendition. I will be trying to make them with Styrene as Doc did on the tops, so they appear to be metal and not foam.

Iron Patriot Glove Flex Test - YouTube


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Thank You!

yes, i do intended on fixing that. I am working on a version 2 for the cannon. made some modifications do some parts. I want to make all the wiring all internal and also put an external power switch on it. Spark fun just came out with a neat little toy that detects impulses from muscles to activate whatever you want, ie, repulsar blasts, back flaps, face hinges, the list goes on and on, endless possibilities. i think i am going to try that with the cannon as well. all i would have to do is flex a muscle and boom, it will move.
That's what I'm talking about. Flex activation. Hands are looking awesome to by the by!

Also.....Shout out to Ladman! This guy has been helping me for over 6 months now on my build! I truly appreciate all your help my man.
That's what I'm talking about. Flex activation. Hands are looking awesome to by the by!

Also.....Shout out to Ladman! This guy has been helping me for over 6 months now on my build! I truly appreciate all your help my man.

No Problem man, glad to help! cant wait to see how our build comes out!
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