Kevin's scatter build thread

So if one were to find a real mpp in the wild, the sidebars would be black?

To the best of my knowledge, the sidebars found in the wild so far only come in three flavours:

  • rectangular and ovoid in bare/anodized aluminium
  • rectangular and ovoid in black anodized aluminum
  • trapezoid and angled in smooth black anodized aluminum
The black trapezoid sidebars are the ones that are accurate for the Vader ESB/ROTJ saber.
Kevin I've been on a MPP kick. Just went through my R1 visual dictionary and found a pick of Vader and the side bars of the R1 saber

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Though just looking... it looks like the saber below this picture has black bars...

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They look black to me as well. More interesting is the clamp lever pin see. I'm now contaminating adding the small screws on the grips.
Finished up my ANH graflex build. Didn't keep a log on this becauseit's one of the same 1000 builds. Nothing different.

Not sure if it's my gun or a bad rivet, however the hole was blown out. I may just leave it as a weathered look or drill it out and start again
Used Romans graflex and Roy's finish parts. Thanks for the runs guys:cheers
I went ahead and built a lightsaber display stand. I have been planning it out in my head and it wasn't hard to make at all.


I think I will put a how to in a new thread. Total cost was less than 20.00 dollars
You know this gets my vote! I'm going to have to try this with your tutorial thread!

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It's all your fault:p

You guys created a monster. Once in a while I find a thread with questions about a piece on my bucket list, and this time it was about lukes x wing helmet. Of course someone just had to post a link to buy the kit . (I really need a link blocker) I bought it. I think my arm is still being twisted.

I also bought another graflex from roman. I'm still working my scratch build snowtrooper helmet but waiting on my glue to arrive. Also I really need to finish poor R2. He has been patiently waiting to be finished since I started (almost 4 years now). I'm really close and it's my oldest build.

I have been talking about getting my electrical contractors license for years now and now is the time. My classes start in august so I need to go as far as I can on R2 before my class begins. Once they start, I'm down until I complete and pass both tests. The masters and the business. So, chances are R2 will show the most progress till I need to take my leave.

Here is my messy bench showing new toys.
This kit is great and more than reasonable. It comes with everything including decals. Not 100% sure about the new graflex just yet. I know I won't get to it this year however I would like to see how much (if at all) it changes in the last jedi. Also, I'm pretty confident these will be harder and harder to get once the film starts showing trailers on a regular basis. Roman had them on sale, so I gave in. Oh well. Also prepping for a fully scratch build EE-3 ROTJ. Again, priorities will be with R2 and down time on R2 will go to the snowtrooper helmet.

Hello all. I have been pretty busy as of late. My spare time has been spent doing some research on future projects. I have been collecting parts including another romans graflex ,denix mauser for lukes esb.. A full kit for lukes x wing helmet, my scratch build snowtropper helmet and I just bought 2 stormtrooper faces for both, tie and ATAT buckets. I am buying 2outer shells from darthhair from his awesome x wing kit along with some other pieces needed to build them.

now, heres my questions.
These tie and ATAT buckets have VERY limited info. I must have read the back stories 4 times each on but there are no links or info on where to find these parts as well as accuracy and correct sizes. I know the ATAT hangers are vintage sodawater charger holders but that's it. I did find the hangers, pill box and tusks on shapeways from gaube that has posted here about them. looks like I will be ordering these.

I need info on the rear cylinders, clock parts under the Mohawk and the parts used that go next to the tubes on top of the lid. Anyone have any info on these buckets. Greebies are in high demand.

thanks in advance