Kenner Target Exclusive Landspeeder

Okay how did Paul Nyul "suspend" that speeder to look like it's hovering? Is there a rod coming form the moisture rig?

There's only one area that you can't see, in those pics - the area under the speeder"s right engine pod. If I was going to do a diorama, that's where I'd put a rig - as far out of scene, as possible. You can look at it from the front, side and top and never notice the rig. As long as you don't look at it from the rear, or directly eye level (so you can see clearly, underneath), you'd never know how it was done.

But, that's just a guess. Maybe he's developed repulsion technology and this was the first practical application :lol.

I thought the support was straight out from the vaporator. But checking the photo angle, your right... it looks more like the back engine is the support point.
Nice recreation with the new toys!

Can't get enough of the 'vintage' packaging! Hasbro's going to be putting out some Prequel merchandise on vintage style packaging as well!
Been in to the store today, found 9 Landspeeders on the shelves at $60.00 NZD with a further 25% off due to a nationwide store toy sale.

****, they're expensive. Even if it works out to $45.

Can't get enough of the 'vintage' packaging! Hasbro's going to be putting out some Prequel merchandise on vintage style packaging as well!

I'm just waiting for a new tool X-1 for Vader. That would sit very nicely with the other new tool TIE's I have.
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