Jurassic Park Jeep from a Barbie Power Wheels Jeep. VIDEO Of PREMIERE end of page 4

Re: Jurassic Park Jeep from a Barbie Power Wheels Jeep

WELL, I've got an Aker amp I'll be putting where the Barbie radio originally was, that was I can blast the Jurassic Park theme song as I drive around!

Also, it wouldn't be complete without a costume!


Re: Jurassic Park Jeep from a Barbie Power Wheels Jeep

Yes! This was totally what I was going to do with an old power wheels jeep I found! Looks awesome, seriously cool! My plan for my jeep was to extend the body frame so that my legs didn't have to be all squashed. But then I gave it away to Volpin and he turned it into this.
Screen Shot 2015-05-10 at 3.32.16 PM.png
Re: Jurassic Park Jeep from a Barbie Power Wheels Jeep

Yes! This was totally what I was going to do with an old power wheels jeep I found! Looks awesome, seriously cool! My plan for my jeep was to extend the body frame so that my legs didn't have to be all squashed. But then I gave it away to Volpin and he turned it into this.
View attachment 475604

nice! The dragon-con jeep. I saw the pictures from that.
Re: Jurassic Park Jeep from a Barbie Power Wheels Jeep

I made this just for you, so you'd have a more accurate ID :)



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Re: Jurassic Park Jeep from a Barbie Power Wheels Jeep

This is just too funny (in all the best ways possible)...!

And here I thought I was going to be out on a limb wearing my orange, plastic hard hat!
Re: Jurassic Park Jeep from a Barbie Power Wheels Jeep

That looks beautiful!!! Amazing job! Just look out for raptors! They can be pretty "Clever Girl"s!
Re: Jurassic Park Jeep from a Barbie Power Wheels Jeep

put little speakers behide the seat and crank up the jurassic part sound track!:ninja
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