JayMay023's IronMan Projects

Re: JAM Designs War Machine:New styled Helmet, Armor pics soon

So here is the new styled helmet. Spent a lot of time detailing it and adding more "movie accurate" details.





Also have been working on a new hinge system.. Heres a pic of the prototypes

And video of the manual hinges
YouTube - War Machine Helmet Faceplate Hinges!!!!

I should be starting the detailing on the armor soon.. pic will come :lol:
Re: JAM Designs War Machine:New styled Helmet, Armor pics soon

is it me or does it look like it could use a little more "polishing" ?
Re: JAM Designs War Machine:New styled Helmet, Armor pics soon

is it me or does it look like it could use a little more "polishing" ?

Im still working on detailing the helm. Should be done by friday. So yea it could use a 'little more polishing'. More pics soon!
Re: JAM Designs War Machine:New styled Helmet, Armor pics soon

Small update.

First pull of the new mold.
YouTube - DSCN1794.AVI

Video of servo controlled faceplate soon! :love



Can't wait. Anyway, how's your pepper's ghost lighted eyes? Were you able to mask it? Can you instruct me how to make your hinges? What paint did you use for your face plate?
Re: JAM Designs War Machine:New styled Helmet, Armor pics soon

Can't wait. Anyway, how's your pepper's ghost lighted eyes? Were you able to mask it? Can you instruct me how to make your hinges? What paint did you use for your face plate?

I'll be posting hinge designs tonight. I already posted them over on siwdat a month ago or so.
I've got a youtube video about the Peppers ghost lighting. Youtube user name is jaymay023. For now paints are Krylon but I'll be using an action figure at paint match from. Ill edit this post later tonight with links
Re: JAM Designs War Machine:New styled Helmet, Armor pics soon

I'll be posting hinge designs tonight. I already posted them over on siwdat a month ago or so.
I've got a youtube video about the Peppers ghost lighting. Youtube user name is jaymay023. For now paints are Krylon but I'll be using an action figure at paint match from. Ill edit this post later tonight with links

Can you give me the link to the tutorial? Thanks
Re: JAM Designs War Machine:New styled Helmet, Armor pics soon

very nice work! your warmachine helmet looks great

Thanks, Its a slow process these days.. but still going.

Heres a video update:
YouTube - War Machine Armor and helmets.

Starting to work on the shoulders and neck seal soon.. I'm thinking of cheating a bit and using the trashcan trick for ab articulation (thanks for the tutorial!).

Still working on optimizing the faceplate hinges.. Videos will be coming soon.


Re: JAM Designs War Machine:New styled Helmet, Armor pics soon

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't done an update lately; I've been SUPER busy with some prop runs and development.

Halloween is coming soon so I am trying to do a quick build with all the major detailing to be done later. Shoulder bells and cod piece should be done sometime this week. I have some pics for you guys to see of the neck seal with the helmet and the upper body piece:



Re: JAM Designs War Machine:New styled Helmet, Armor pics soon

Quick Update!
Right leg is almost done.


Im using Juice's pep files (unfold by Dubean/Bimmer)
Shoes are Robo's

I started glassing the rest of the pep armor I've got. Cod piece is due for a glassing tonight and the forearms. Then I have to start detailing it.. :lol

More updates soon!


Re: JAM Designs War Machine: The armor build is on!

hey man, that leg and boot are looking really good!

Can't wait to see more, i've been waiting to see you get some progress on the armor. So far so good
Re: JAM Designs War Machine: The armor build is on!

Okay new helmet to show off. :lol:




Pretty close to accurate, but if you can see anything that needs to be changed please let me know! Critiques are more then welcome!!!

I think I've got the faceplate animation like the move figured out. It would involve a pack of linear actuators in a pack located right below the shoulder line and an aluminum cast faceplate. More details on that as I develop them.

Oh and heres a better shot of the war machine suit.

LOL ya thats marker on the missle pods.. I was in a hurry and most of the people who saw the suit where drunk anyways :lol I was confused for Buzz Lightyear, RoboCop and transformers..

Re: JAM Designs War Machine: The armor build is on!

These people are retarded...c'mon.

Buzz lightyear?

Ya well it was an older lady who was severely drunk. Favorite term I use to confuse drunks is "Purple Monkey dishwasher?" she kinda looked at me funny and walked away.

Stealth hows your war machine armor coming along?

Quake virus, thanks! Its still nopt done yet though..
Re: JayMay's War MachineArmor wearable. NEW Mark V helmet!

i absolutely love the way the wm came out. any thoughts on adding the shoulder turret?
and the mk V looks gorgeous man!
Re: JAM Designs War Machine: Peppers ghost eye lighting

So I've been hella busy recently and to boot my laptop gave up the ghost. Hence the occasional postings that I've done on from my PSP. Worse then trying to text message I tell ya!

Anyways, I decided to try and work on the lighting for the eyes..

Thats only 6 Super Bright LEDS, and you can see through it!

I need to add some plastic to diffuse the lights from the LEDs.
The battery is in the chin and currently wired to contact points in the jaw so that when the faceplate closes the lights come on. I wanna eventually use the MagSafe connectors that they use on the mac laptops.

I'm using the "peppers ghost" lighting and vision effect. Since the lighting on the outside of the reflective film is brighter all you see is the reflection from the LEDS on the outside, thus allowing you to see through it from inside the darkened helmet. I'll try and post some pics of the inside of the faceplate when I get a chance to again...

would you mind explaining how to set up the lighting using the peppers ghost method? it seems to me that that would be the perfect method for lighting the eyes and still being able to see without having to leave a slit to see through.
Re: JayMay's War MachineArmor wearable. NEW Mark V helmet!

i absolutely love the way the wm came out. any thoughts on adding the shoulder turret?
and the mk V looks gorgeous man!

Ya I'm working on the mini gun, I just didnt have enough time to finish those or the Arm cannons. Plus in crowded bars its just a bad idea to have anything sticking off your armor. I'm eventually planning on using Honus' set up for an animatronic cannon.

I'm actually doing a small run of the eye lights tonight and tomorrow and will be taking pics and some video. After three days of wearing the armor and helmet there are a lot of little tweaks and improvements that I wanna finish and part of that is lighting set up.

Here are some updated pics of the helmet! Sorry its a bit scuffed as it got used over the weekend.


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