ID'ing Michonne's katanas from The Walking Dead?

really got to love it when you can't watch the damn video due to other country restriction bias , frickin hell
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I met Michonne yesterday, she is really nice in person. At the Dallas comicon, they had a pretty good repica for 160$ She said the real sword was really expensive.
Its been a while since I have looked into getting a proper katana, was looking at the PPK i think. Anyway is it normal for a carbon steel sword to be that cheap? Thought it would have been stainless at that price.
Re: Re: ID'ing Michonne's katanas from The Walking Dead?

Its been a while since I have looked into getting a proper katana, was looking at the PPK i think. Anyway is it normal for a carbon steel sword to be that cheap? Thought it would have been stainless at that price.

Assuming the PPK you are referring to is a Paul Chen, it is a lower end blade but it is carbon steel. Its more an introductory though but still decent quality. But as with most things, you get what you pay for. The sword from Heroes was a Paul Chen if I remember correctly.

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I've recently become interested in this sword, and see that the link above still offers this sword.

Does anyone know if there are any others of these offered somewhere?

Thanks for another source.

I see they released a couple versions, the limited edition 2000 copies, then a standard edition, and a limited signature edition with 5000 copies.

Now I need to look for the 2000 limited edition since I'm crazy stupid like this.

There are a few on Ebay and so on.

Maybe someone on the forums wants to sell one, I'll have to look around once I'm ready to buy.
There is another guy who makes a medium cutter Katana, Ryan Swords. He sells on eBay and based on some reviews, his sword is much better than the licensed one. However, among the sword collectors, he's not very well liked it appears. BUT, looks like he is trying to be better at his customer service and QA. I think that was the main gripes about him, and his eBay feedback it very good. So I dunno.....At least that is another option, and is cheaper, somewhere around $185
I saw someone on there selling different versions as well, I think the top grade one goes for $385, which I was looking into possibly getting
Here is the one from Ryan Swords, super nice.




I think I saw that one. I wasn't impressed with the nylon wrapped handle. I get it that the nylon is more robust and would likely last a lot longer then soft leather... but the leather is authentic and this isn't really a sword to fight with, is it? :D
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