Hi there I am new here and a noob!


Well-Known Member
So I just "found" RPF and Pepping costumes as of about a week ago and I think its totally cool. I went out and bought a bunch of materials and plan to build myself an Iron Man hopefully by Halloween! Of course I broke a basic rule and made a helmet first. It didnt turn out too bad actually. I just had to modify it a bit to make it right. I'll get a pic up of what I have so far soon..
Welcome, but if you're new don't start with the helmet first. Start with the easiest part to pep, like the chest, so you also get to learn some do's and don't without too much consequences. And that's also why a lot of noobs doesn't start with that complicated helmet.
It's the one rule EVERYONE breaks! :lol most people (myself included!) pay dearly! But it's all experience. And that's the one thing this craft requires.
Welcome to the RPF! Can't wait to see your build!
Welcome to the RPF. As a noob the first thing you should learn and respect is that thread titles should reflect what a thread is about. THAT is actually the first rule you broke :lol
My turn, my turn!!! :) Hello! I am also fairly new to the RPF, but this is my first welcome to a new member. I hope you enjoy your stay. My two cents: I started with the helmet, and I finished it too, almost... I was having the hardest time getting all the little pieces around the eye to fold correctly without tearing, so I moved on to bigger and better things... And I will come back to it when I am confident I won't wad it up and dunk it. :) Be sure to check out all the catagories and see what you like best... There are too many great artists in here to limit yourself to costume replica. I love to go to sculpture and makeup, general modeling and studio scale replicas, as well. It's like trying to decide which chocolate is the best at the candy shop.
Thanks everyone for the encouraging words!

Welcome to the RPF. As a noob the first thing you should learn and respect is that thread titles should reflect what a thread is about. THAT is actually the first rule you broke :lol

Really? It was a intro post! I titled it saying Hi I am new here!!! Doesn't that reflect it close enough? Lolz :-D
welcome to the land of fifty projects that take forever to finish! Enjoyand post some pics of your helmet!

For the first foam thing ive ever done i dont think it turned out terrible.. :unsure





Here I used straightened paper clips and made parts of the helmet a hinge so I could open the front..
Hi and welcome Fyreant! I'm new too, and I broke the helmet rule too! Everyone wants to pop that freshly assembled helmet on their head and go stand in from of the bathroom mirror and say "Keep the skies clear..."

Your helmet is looking nice. The jaw looks fantastic. But from the front view it looks like the top is kind of flat, like the sides need to be squeezed towards the middle a bit. Is there a way to reinforce it to adjust the shape? I've only done pep, no foam experience.
Welcome aboard to the madness that is rpf. I'm new as well and I broke the same "rule" of not doing a helmet first. But I broke it because I started off just wanting an awesome helmet to display, not necessarily to wear. Of course now I'm totally hooked and looking at building a full suit.

I can say that your first foam helmet turned out much better than mine did, so now I'm working on the slow paper pep to make a better one. I hope to have the helmet done before too long, but my work and family obligations occupy the majority of my free time. But hobbies are for taking up free time after all. :lol
Hi and welcome Fyreant! I'm new too, and I broke the helmet rule too! Everyone wants to pop that freshly assembled helmet on their head and go stand in from of the bathroom mirror and say "Keep the skies clear..."

Your helmet is looking nice. The jaw looks fantastic. But from the front view it looks like the top is kind of flat, like the sides need to be squeezed towards the middle a bit. Is there a way to reinforce it to adjust the shape? I've only done pep, no foam experience.

I was thinking that too. I was going to try cutting it open along that seam and re doing it differently
I'm relatively new here too ... For the adventurous first time helmet builders, have you considered using a "form" to build your helmet around. Using something like a lacrosse or floor hockey helmet as your base?
I'm relatively new here too ... For the adventurous first time helmet builders, have you considered using a "form" to build your helmet around. Using something like a lacrosse or floor hockey helmet as your base?

That's not a bad idea. I just don't happen to have a any type of hard helmet laying around! Wouldnt that make it too big though forming to the outside of a helmet? Unless you got an extra small helmet to use lol
You could try a styrofoam head. I know our 'Value Village' stores have them - especially now with Halloween ramping up. They run $2-$3.
Well, there's two ways to look at it:

1) You get a helmet that's a size smaller than your head, and build around it as a form.

2) You get a properly sized helmet and use it as the structure to build onto. This would make all your hard work less delicate for wearing at cons.

The helmets are pretty cheap and easily found on eBay, Amazon, Play-It-Again sports (US only), and just about any sporting goods store. I've bought them in the past for about $10-$15 USD.
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