hi im new here im building IM helmet hope you guyz help me =)

sir how can i upload pictures ? it say it error

When posting, go to advanced, click on the 'clip' icon to the left of the smiley, choose the pic from your desktop, click upload, and that's it.

If you have photos on a hosting site such as photobucket, click on the yellow 'mountain-like-postcard' icon, insert your link in the pop-up window and click OK.

If you are having difficulties doing that, I suggest you go to the technical issues section here.


I do also suggest that you try to restrict the number of threads you have opened so far (3), with 7 posts, and keep your IM questions/ requests for help etc in one thread.

It's less confusing.

EDIT - OK, I see you figured out how to upload your pics while I was typing :lol:thumbsup
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