Hello All, Looking for Templates

Big John

New Member
Hello All RPF Members :D

am just stating out is making things formEVA foam.

I am sorry if you have been asked this before, but we all have to start somewhere. :confused

Can I ask is there any were I can get full suitestemplates, I am looking for template to fit a 6 foot 4 Inch person, the type of costumes I am looking for are; Ironman, Robocop, Cyberman, Master Chief (Halo).

I have seen one member who as templates in a file called RAR, I don't know what RAR is computer skills are not the best. :facepalm

I have started getting in some of the supplies items that are used to make the suites out of foam.


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Hi BJ,and welcome to the RPF forum.
This is a good thread to start: JfCustom's foam files.Use the search bar at the top-left of the website to locate this thread and many others to gain experience.
Enjoy :thumbsup
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