Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

@Harry not to be mean but why'd you post it four times :p

Not that someone posting a demand for something 4 times in 10 minutes makes me want to do it, but...it did remind me that I never did finish the Howler label and envelope for the Howler letter that I posted quite awhile back.

So, I should have a label and envelope to post later today (if anyone besides Harry gives a big fat one :lol).

@apina, large format printers can be very expensive, so I would recommend having your Quibbler or Daily Prophet printed at your nearest office supply store or printing press.

Did the label from scratch using an image of the original prop as a guide and a font I created to match the prop font. The Weasley seal is a copy from the prop picture.

The envelope is the same shape as the Hogwarts envelope template without the crest and colored red with the same texture as the prop envelope. Fold the side flaps in first then the bottom flap.

The Howler letter should fit right inside. Just add a bow and seal and its good to go.

Images posted on first page of this thread under Barney's Stuff - Chamber of Secrets.

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@hinky, are you going to be free now? I've been learning a lot about book binding and stuff and I think when you come back and do backs/spines I will be able to make really good stuff! My only problem is that it's hard to find the materials not in bulk, so I can either keep looking, or make a bunch for people here (once I actually get good at making them).

thank you very much for the howler. it is wonderful. i especially like the weasley seal :) i appraciate your work so much, all of them are always very very nice. will try to make the howler even it seems a little hard to make. may i ask you a question, if you dont mind? have you spoken with hinkypunk yet about the kwikspell envelope? i hope you dont mind the question. take care.


here are my new paper props. of course i have to thank to brucelee42 for this.

i printed page of dark arts defence, one page of monster book, fire action, top secret letter to gringotts (i guess it was in philosopher's stone movie) made by brucelee42. i feel like i have to give credit for page of monster book but i can't remember :confused





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Excellent and Wonderful Howler! But how do you find fonts? As the stamp "Tracked", what is the font used for the Mrs Weasley's Howler?

Thanks you !

PS : Fear not, it's just the information I request you! Anyway, why else, since you left us your work for free!
*CharmedOne and Anneleen- Thank you for the kind words. :)

*bfd- thank you for the howler and just for the record- I for one, do give a big fat one LOL. :lol

*Luke- can't wait to see what you come up with :)
@lynx0099: Thanks for the kind words. Yea, I thought the Weasley seal would be a nice touch. I have not spoken to hinkypunk about the kwikspell envelope, she said she would be back on July 18 so I'm sure we'll hear from her today perhaps. The Gringotts envelope is actually done by brucelee42. Your Defense Against the Dark Arts page looks great stuck in that book.

@Follows: I had to create the font since I could not find one that was a close enough match to the original handwritten Howler printing.

@wooze: Thanks :)
@Barneyrfd... oh thanks for the information now i correct it. there are so many great things in this thread sometimes i can't remember, you understand :) thank you also for nice comments.
I will gladly share it with you stacy :)

1/2 Cup of Heavy Whipping Cream
1 tsp of vanilla flavoring
2 tbsp of powdered sugar
24 oz of cream soda, preferably clear
1 tsp of vanilla butter & nut flavoring
1 tsp butterscotch syrup or tbsp of butterscotch schnapps

In a small container with a lid (something you can shake, I used an old dressing bottle) You can also put this in a bowl if you want to whisk it, but I like the result of shaking first. Put the heavy whipping cream, vanilla, and powdered sugar into this computer and shake it til its completely mixed.

In a glass, put 12 oz of cream soda, one tsp of the vanilla butter and nut flavoring, and a tbsp of butterscotch syrup. Mix these well, otherwise the syrup makes it look funny. Warming it up helps a bit.

When you finish that, take your cream and pour it on top of that. There is enough cream for 2 glasses.

This recipe is really easy to duplicate, but I recommend tasting it first! If its too sweet, too half tsp of the vanilla butter flavoring and only 1 stp of the butterscotch. If you want a stronger taste, use less butterscotch. Pretty much just makes it yellow cream soda at that point, but thats basically what it looks like in the movie!

As with the butterbeer at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, it tastes better chilled.

Hi Hinky, or anyone, can you recommend a good tasting, clear cream soda?
Hi Everyone,
The last post is up for my Molly trunk. Thanks for putting up with the non-paper posts

Are you sure your not related to Molly Weasley. That is an amazing project, the care that you have taken with each item shines through and best of all it not only looks amazing but it is actually something you will get to use. I particularly like the Bertie botts bean box, very creative.

You rock woozlemom!
Barney, the howler, seal etc look fantastic. I made a howler a while back and I think it's a great replica to have in any collection so I'm sure I lot of people will be making one now with thanks to you.

P.s. Sorry for the triple post, but since HP came out I have been working extra hours in the cinema and not been online as often
OVer the last 2 days ive sat here and searched through this forum and this is just spectacular... love to see how all us fans pull together to create our own little pottermore. I need to get me a printer and stack up on in because my room is going to be pottified :D
Are you sure your not related to Molly Weasley. That is an amazing project, the care that you have taken with each item shines through and best of all it not only looks amazing but it is actually something you will get to use. I particularly like the Bertie botts bean box, very creative.

You rock woozlemom!

Thanks Elliot :$
I do feel a connection to Molly :) Problem is, I am having a hard time not adding to this trunk. I just made another box last night and when it is finished I will post is here as I used an image provided by Paddy :)
Hi Everyone,
Sorry for the double post but over in my HP Craft group someone posted this site for a paper pensieve. There is also a paper greenhouse, Hagrid's Hut and bookmark at the bottom of the page. I want to make these but I am out of ink
@Luke - I'm back, so yes, I can help with anything you need.

I haven't been around this thread much lately because I'm growing very wary of the PMs. We get more and more people coming to this thread on a daily basis and I think I'm going to have to have a conversation with the admins about possibly getting 'content on the front page' added into the thread name. I log in every day to PMs that are "HEY HINKY LOVE YOUR WORK CAN I GET THE BOOK COVER FOR THIS AND THIS".

I'd also really appreciate if those that are contributing to the thread, are emailing it to me, so I can put it on the front page.

We've officially hit 100 pages. Trying to find something in those 100 pages is pretty impossible. I'd just like it if everyone would read the sig, and follow the directions, to make it a little easier on me. The frustration kinda makes me just not want to do this anymore, and I'd like to get back to adding to the front page.

To those that post artwork here and don't contribute it to the front page, I'd like to give you an idea of what I'm going through.

For example, say you added the Dumbledore's Army List. (I know, I did this one.. its just an example!). If someone can't find it, they are coming to ME and asking me where it is. And I'm searching through the pages and trying to find it. Its exhausting.

I understand there are two issues here at the moment, but some of you can help me with one of those issues:

As you know, it isn't MANDATORY for your work to go on the front page. However, I don't like repeating myself, so new rule. I want to know that youve actually READ this. If you are posting props on here and DO NOT WISH them to be added to the front page, SEND ME A PM SAYING YOU DONT WANT THEM ADDED.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make this a shred easier for me guys.

I don't want to name names in the thread, but if I don't hear from the few that are submitting and not emailing, I will. And then itll be embarassing.

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