Gold Leader Y wing, NiceN kit conversion.

Steve, yes thats from the 8rad buddy, top left! The round thingy, Ford DFV tranny ring, i used parts from the Yardley, a brake caliper sits on top from the same kit!

Hopefully, I'll sort myself out with a kit (the other bits'll be useful for an original concept I'm working on), but thanks, man. Only, which one are we using? Had a look last night and the first 8rad I found on the net looked weird. The famous chassis piece for instance was made up out of separate parts! Also I couldn't see the 4-cylinder thing on the sprues neither.

Hey, got my airbrush working again! So after 4 years of SS modelling, I finally got to paint something for the first time! Made a start on my Y. Body and starboard engine done in the pics here. Still don't know which bird I'm aiming at, though. It's my only Y-wing, so it's got to have as many as my fave bits from all the models as I can reasonably give it, ha ha. Piping'll be more like the 'tiger sprocket' model for instance. Any Red Jammer details that bug me, I'm not including. Like that little missile that sits on the back section. Actually, that little area (the bit that goes under the starboard side of where that missile sits) on your model I'd include on mine if I can, but I see you haven't done that bit yet...

Also, did more finessing to the mouth. The walls of the mouth on the original are much thinner than on the kit so I shaved them right down. Could go further yet, I reckon. With the mod I did with the shim and the lowered bottom front hull half, the mouth on mine looks more open than on the jammer, more like the other models, which suits me. But even the jammer has a faint curve to the mouth corners, which the kit didn't. That's now in place.


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Looks good to me Steve! What did you use for the base coat? Aching to paint mine, all in good time, been tinkering modifying/improving the Bwing and back at the Ion cannon to pass the time!

Ta. I used Model Master flat white with a few drops of the same brand's flat sand and flat light grey. Does my head in mixing up an ILM off-white. The mixture I ended up with seems too warm in the afternoon but too cold in the morning, so I reckon it's probably about right! Ah, it's good to breathe deeply again those ol' toxic enamel fumes!
After over two years of hunting I am now a happy owner of an unbuilt Red Jammer kit.

I am not going for a faithful Jammer replica when building it, however, I need the bird to do more than just being pretty. There are some items I am considering adding and changing, one being the part(s) from the 8rad as discussed in this thread:

Hopefully, I'll sort myself out with a kit (the other bits'll be useful for an original concept I'm working on), but thanks, man. Only, which one are we using? Had a look last night and the first 8rad I found on the net looked weird. The famous chassis piece for instance was made up out of separate parts! Also I couldn't see the 4-cylinder thing on the sprues neither.

But I am lost with the donor kit, even the scale of it is unknown to me, the kit scans thread does not seem to reveal this, or I just can't spot it. I am about to buy a Tamiya 1/35 8rad and take a leap of faith but if you guys have any pointers... Another question mark is the signature Tiger part in the "Tiger Sprocket" Y-wing, so far I have not been able to identify it exactly.

I'm just beginning to digging into the little details of the model, gathering information and making plans, and I admit from the start that I do not have the means to go all sherlock with the parts, I won't alter the engines, for example. Still, I am thinking of building something that loosely echos the spirit of the Tiger Sprocket Y-wing. I'll be starting the build sometime next summer, it'll be a slow haul, one piece at the time, the neck joint enforcement being one of the first things on the list. Thanks for the tip on that!

This Gold Leader conversion thread is something I have enjoyed very much while searching for a Jammer kit of my own, I love how the build has proceeded with all the kit part changes and recreation of the engines from original parts. The greyish colour on the cockpit is a perfect take on interpreting a whitescreen perception to a physical model. Thank you for the good times!
You'll need the Tamiya 8rad bud, the TigerII is the Nichimo variant. Go on studioscalemoderlers and take a look at the kit scans on there, IDing parts is a pretty easy task, its just a case of taking your time and memorising, as you go, and the more you do it, it becomes second nature, and all of a sudden, your head will be full of donors you will recall, its just time, ANYBODY can ID parts, its not a hard task, just tedious, but very rewarding too.
Im taking a break from al things studio scale for a while now, but rest assured, when i get this bird back off loan, it will get finished. Any questions on parts, for sure ask, there are guys on here that will share,there are guys who feel its there god given right to ask for all the info without lifting a finger and, obviously you do get the odd nut job that needs to get out more that feel kit ID's need to be taken to the grave, but, thats life, best thing to do is don't expect a shopping list and have a go at it, its fun lol.

You'll need the Tamiya 8rad bud, the TigerII is the Nichimo variant. Go on studioscalemoderlers and take a look at the kit scans on there, IDing parts is a pretty easy task, its just a case of taking your time and memorising, as you go, and the more you do it, it becomes second nature, and all of a sudden, your head will be full of donors you will recall, its just time, ANYBODY can ID parts, its not a hard task, just tedious, but very rewarding too.
Im taking a break from al things studio scale for a while now, but rest assured, when i get this bird back off loan, it will get finished. Any questions on parts, for sure ask, there are guys on here that will share,there are guys who feel its there god given right to ask for all the info without lifting a finger and, obviously you do get the odd nut job that needs to get out more that feel kit ID's need to be taken to the grave, but, thats life, best thing to do is don't expect a shopping list and have a go at it, its fun lol.


I really would not be happy with a shopping list (I couldn't afford to buy all the kits anyway), a starting point is all I need, I am enjoying the building experience with all the aspects to it. I have spent hours and hours on gathering information on these birds but once I got my hands on the actual model, it all changed and I am looking at the project from a different angle. A more exciting angle, I would say. I did not know of the Studioscalemodelers' kit scans, thank you very much for that, it will be fun to go through. Maybe I'll go for a kit or two just for a little twist.

Looking forward to seeing progress on your Gold Leader once the time is right. It is a beauty.
Well she's back from vacation, and I've already removed all paint from the canopy with thinners, re primed it (the Haze grey isn't gonna work eh Guy lol) and removed my left wing plating off as it was a bit on the wonk, never noticed it before, so, i think i got a bit of mojo back, it'll be a Gold Leader weekend coming up i think!

That gives me a week to build one!!!! Slow down and yes Haze Grey is not the colour your looking for ;-)

Mojo is a good thing now wind that Bobbin up
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