Gluing spandex to faceshell?


New Member
Hy guys, Im building a symbiote spiderman suit and i need some advice. I purchased an ASM2 kit from TJack and lenses were assembled and built perfectly. Only problem is that the mask tends to move a bit when suited up, streching the cut eyeholes in the mask and the faceshell can be seen a bit above or below the lens. With some careful adjustments i can get it to disappear, but i was wondering if gluing the mask to the faceshell is a good idea. It would be so that the mask can fit snug without moving the eye holes around. If so, what would be the best glue to use? I know that hot glue could melt the spandex but if is behind a lens and cannot be seen does it even matter? What glue would you guys recommend or what would you do in a situation like this? Thanks :)


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It was between fabric glue and hot glue. I'm probably not going to be removing the faceshell as it is a detachable mask that wont be used everyday.
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