Ghostbusters (2016) (Post-release)

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Re: Ghostbusters Post Release


Here, judge for yourself. 35 minutes in. I can bet what you'll say, though. Have fun.

you're right ;o) you do.

I'm giving dan the benefit of the doubt here.

He perks up whenever he talks about the original movies, and slows down whenever the new ones come up in other talk show appearances (Again, Jay Lenos Garage).he sounds about as tired of it as the rest of us.

The fact that he was still trying to get a real GB 3 made only 3 months after feig was announced and suddenly stopped talking about it should say it all.

He is such a GB cheerleader, he may have just convinced himself of the mantra at this point.

so unless he starts doing it CONSTANTLY, I can't really blame dan.......yet.

as far as I can recall, this is the first instant of the original cast going the 'man baby' route too. sigourney said in an interview that 'it's time' for a woman gb movie' but avoided the other issue. Potts has been staying mostly quiet and didn't look happy to be on kimmel. Ernie we know isn't happy due to his deleted tweet. Ray Parker jr we know isn't happy to be ignored about the theme song...

I just can't see the original cast being feig friendly behind closed doors. bill murray just doesn't give a ****
Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

It's going to be a long 3 days waiting for the box office verdict on whether people steered clear or made this thing a wild success.

The silence coming from any of the original cast not volunteering freely to defend this upcoming film is painfully loud.

If this were a film I believed in and was not part of, but in the camp of the original cast before the reboot, I would have freely gone out there and posted my own tooth and nail defense for the movie. I just don't see any of that here. I see eggshell walking with pretty canned answers, saying the minimum required to make a certain studio happy.
Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

What a coincidence! I also have "a friend" who works in a cinema and he tells me that there are lines waiting to get in and the majority of those are immediately walking out after the movie and buying another ticket to see it again!

Many bad movies manage to find an enthusiastic audience. But when was the last time a good movie had large numbers of folks walking out?
Well I just watched it and purposely stayed away from the reviews and went in cold. There were a few clever jokes that I felt obliged to chuckle in. The effects were pretty good too.

The film played like Bridesmaids except with the supernatural. I would say Bridesmaids was funnier though.

The was nice to see the old characters but completely washing who they were in the old universe really sucked for me. Their bit parts seemed so underwhelming as to be insulting to the love we all have for them and the original films.'s just a movie I guess lol The proton packs were cool but not memorable to my mind. The original is a very hard act to follow and alot of the quirkiness of the characterizations seemed really forced. I would liked to have seen George Clooney bust ghosts lol Now that would be cool;)

Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

It's going to be a long 3 days waiting for the box office verdict on whether people steered clear or made this thing a wild success.

The silence coming from any of the original cast not volunteering freely to defend this upcoming film is painfully loud.

If this were a film I believed in and was not part of, but in the camp of the original cast before the reboot, I would have freely gone out there and posted my own tooth and nail defense for the movie. I just don't see any of that here. I see eggshell walking with pretty canned answers, saying the minimum required to make a certain studio happy.

You're forgetting an option: the film is a modest financial success with mixed reviews. Neither an abject failure nor a huge win for the studio. It manages to flop past the finish line for a sequel green light, and the sequel performs mostly the same.

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Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

It's going to be a long 3 days waiting for the box office verdict on whether people steered clear or made this thing a wild success.

The silence coming from any of the original cast not volunteering freely to defend this upcoming film is painfully loud.

If this were a film I believed in and was not part of, but in the camp of the original cast before the reboot, I would have freely gone out there and posted my own tooth and nail defense for the movie. I just don't see any of that here. I see eggshell walking with pretty canned answers, saying the minimum required to make a certain studio happy.

shhh.....the ones who think of conspiracies are out there... they'll hear you. and find you. and make you part of the feig cult where everything is happy, you dress in no less than 3 piece and this happens all the time.


In more seriousness... I found out that the reason the film opens on a monday in the EU and UK is because studios do that so the whole WEEK counts as a weekend box office gross. Pretty sneaky, but in this case, it might backfire if no one really is showing up to these things.

Although i would like to see more photos of empty theaters or these mythical full theaters with a movie playing, just to play feigs advocate here.

>Nevertheless, Sony can rest easy knowing that the Ghostbusters redux isn’t on pace to become a massive failure>>

other projections say 30 million is more likely. TMNT 2007 got that much and was number one. it died out shortly after. and i liked that movie.

---- supposedly the tv spots are calling out the sexists now. havn't seen these yet i think
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Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

You're forgetting an option: the film is a modest financial success with mixed reviews. Neither an abject failure nor a huge win for the studio. It manages to flop past the finish line for a sequel green light, and the sequel performs mostly the same.

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That's what I was thinking as well. Maybe breaks even domestically and makes some money overseas would be sufficient to try and keep the IP viable.
an alternate dan aykroyd cameo line that makes NO sense if he's not ray stanz..( and I know he isn't.)

Supposedly the Bill Murray cameo is hitting tv too.. but i can't find it.

the casts real reaction to fieg busters.
Enthusiasm! (sarcasm)
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Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

Not to mention many more personal attacks by Snikt on D-Osborn and others in the other thread & BVS thread. Serious question, Snikt, are you just lacking in self awareness of what you post? I'm not getting into 'name calling' again here, I really want to know how you can't see you are more guilty of this than who you are accusing?

Just because I dont agree with someone doesnt mean Im attacking someone personally. Now if I feel Im being attacked, or if someone is being snarky/rude to me, of course Im going to defend myself and call them out on it. That was the case with D_Osborn, and he even admitted to it, and we are fine, cause in the great scheme of things, its not really a big deal. I was genuinely asking, and FunkyJedi never answered. I just think its odd how people on this forum are in high school cliques and come to peoples aid and gang up on people in certain threads. Its weird. But hey, this is the only forum I come to, so maybe thats the culture in general, I dont know. Case in point, you seem to be in the same boat as NeoRutty, Karmajay James Kenobi and FunkyJedi regarding Ghostbuster threads, hence the posts you just made... In the BVS thread, I even complimented Fawbish on being a smart guy, I just dont agree at all with what he said. For the most part, Im pretty mild mannered when it comes to this forum, so Im not even 100 percent sure of what youre talking about but no bigs man. Its the internet.
Well this movie does have one thing going for it: no matter what it can't get worse reviews than the new video game based on it.
Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

And if this person is concerned there were no male characters for young boys to look up to in this movie, then may I ask that reviewer what female characters were in the first that a young girl could look up to?

Was it Janine, the secretary, bored at work... or Dana... the girl who got possessed and was inactive through the entire climax of the movie?


It's not even about "looking up to" these characters, but yes - I liked all of the female characters in the original Ghostbusters. Janine was tough, brave, funny. Dana was a concert cellist, independent. The librarian seemed like a nice old lady. This response still dodges the criticism in trying to make the comparison to the original. Ghostbusters did not disparage either gender, this pale imitation seems to go out of its way to accomplish just that.
Not sure if this has been posted in other threads here... but for those interested, this has been reposted on Max Landis' twitter...

This was in play for the potetial new movie before Feig stepped in...

Say what you will about hMAx, he knows story structure. And I thought this was an interesting take on the story...

It would probably come across as very TFA to ANH... but that's not a bad thing... I loved TFA.
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Re: Ghostbusters Post Release


You might be surprised, but I actually think the movie will be terrible, at least from my P.OV. - I simply can't stand Paul Feig's brand of 'humour', along with Apatow, Rogan et al. Horrible unlikeable characters, fat ladies falling over and women with explosive diarrhea aren't hitting me on the chuckle bone.

I also think this movie is a cynical cash-grab that has been horribly marketed by Sony and Feig. The obnoxious, caustic mysogyny is undoubtedly out there, but they have simply picked up on that, painted all GB fanboys with the same brush, and run with the inevitable backlash in a dishonest and exploitative way that provokes maximum publicity, while making any objective appraisal of the actual quality of the movie almost impossible. Hence box office will be the true judge of its value.

All that said, I have absolutely no problem with anyone who is excited for, or positive about, the movie having their say. Which they should be able to do without facing a hail of passive aggressive attacks, which seems, at least to me, something you do a lot. Granted, a lot is lost is the written word, most of all tone, but in the sea of negativity (much of it downright tin-hat level), victim-card playing, pity-party posting and general nastiness of these threads, can get completely lost.

I'll take your word for it that no personal attacks were intended by you, I just feel that if everyone toned down the rhetoric (I know that will fall on deaf ears to certain parties) these threads would be much more inclusive and pleasant to contribute to.
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Is that the default Straw Man argument for any review that doesn't live up to the narrative? I wouldn't accuse
Variety or EW of being shill's for any studio.
Yeah that's ridiculous !!!
I wonder how David Manning would review this movie ???
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They end up discussing 84 AND 2016... mostly justthoughts on it as they haven't actually seen yet.

I enjoyed this...

Mike getting all glassy eye'd as he talks about Ramis and how there could never be a full reunion movie...
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