Limited Run FS: seaQuest DSV VPAL communicator prop kit


Sr Member
Molded from one of the actual season 1 VPAL props. 8 pieces-you assemble and paint. Room inside for electronics.

VPAL v1 by mommydawn2000, on Flickr

$60 plus shipping (usually $5 in the US, overseas a bit more).

PM or post here if interested.

Hello, I actually created a RPF account just so I could contact you about these. I really want at least one, but more if possible. Also, do you have a kit for the second and third season version? I would love to get one of those too.
Sorry folks I missed the last two replies. Yes I can do the s2/3 version- it's a one piece cast unlike the season 1 version. Cost is $40 shipped in the US.
I also just created an account about one of these. Love the detail, would go great with my S1 uniform, and less controversial than a pistol accessory. Still selling them?
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