foam Iron Man mark 4, with cereal box helmet wip

Re: Ironman foam question...

what i did was use a heat gun on nose are right below the li[p just heat up that area a little bit and flip it over and press it along a flat surface so it bends back a couple mm and thats always solved my problem
Re: Ironman foam question...

Amazing things can be done with foam and the help of a heatgun, it makes smooth curves much easyer to shape even from a flat piece. I should use mine, but it makes too much noise at night...
Is it okay that I say I love you? I think I do. Awesome file man, thanks! What mm of foam did you use there?
Such a sudden feeling, don't be so rushed !
It's a polyethylene foam done for 6.5mm, but it's in fact nearer than 7 or 7.5mm
Re: Ironman foam question...

Amazing things can be done with foam and the help of a heatgun, it makes smooth curves much easyer to shape even from a flat piece. I should use mine, but it makes too much noise at night... Such a sudden feeling, don't be so rushed !
It's a polyethylene foam done for 6.5mm, but it's in fact nearer than 7 or 7.5mm

Thanks! Finally getting around to doing a build, and I think I'm going to do a foam helmet, and if it's as clean as yours once I rondo it, it should look dang near perfect!
Re: Ironman foam question...

That helmet looks really good JFCustom! I think I will still continue mine as it's going, I want to know if it will work and I don't want to give up on it. Thanks for the unfold, I'll definitely keep it on file! Those of you with the skill and know-how really make this community thrive by sharing your work so graciously.
Re: Ironman foam question...

Made up the new faceplate with the wedges cut out and swapped it with the other one and attached the jaw. It lines up fairly well, but it was a little bit of a hack job since some of the pieces around the trimmed faceplate were trimmed to line up. Meaning I had to add some little pieces back in. It's not perfect but it's an improvement on the previous helmet so far, and Halloween is fast approaching!
Re: Ironman foam build

Progress is a little slower than I'd like, but still working at it when I have time. This is my old helmet made out of 6mm foam. I didn't scale the helmet and it turned out to be too tight. I can get it on but it pushes out the sides a little. I didn't seal it, just brushed on a white primer and spray painted. I knew at the time I wanted to redo it, so I just used paint that I already had. The red should be a little darker, but the silver, while obviously inaccurate to the mk4 build, kinda looked cool to me. If I don't manage to finish the new helmet I'll be wearing this one on Halloween. The chest and back are scaled up 10% and made from 10mm foam tiles. This foam is incredibly dense. It's a bit of a pain to cut and dulls blades really fast. But it sure is ridgid when it's done. The back feels like a piece of body armor :)

I am working on the shoulders now, to make sure they get done. Assuming I have the time I will finish the new helmet next. I'm planning to go over the imperfections with a bit of silicon. Then I'll seal it with thinned Mod Podge, prime and paint. Definitely going with gold this time. So the goal is new helmet, chest, back and shoulders finished for Halloween.
Re: Ironman foam question...

Nicely build.
I don't want to spoil your enjoyment, but the small lid between the eyes, need to be tucked inside the eyebrow.
Re: Ironman foam question...

Okay, so I think you are saying that the the brow piece angles in from the forehead. I understand this, it just didn't angle quite enough in my first helmet. You can see the angle corrected in the new helmet. So no worries, you didn't ruin any enjoyment. Thanks for the feedback though.
Re: Ironman foam question...

I also see that in both helmet. I can't draw the illustration detailed enough but you see the eyebrow in mine is "deeper". It's like it has 90 degree, or what I called "tucked" inside.
Re: Ironman foam question...

Went to see different helmet designs, guess that different artist got different interpretations.
Re: Ironman foam question...

Just a small update, got the shoulders built tonight. I can tell that my work with the 10mm foam is getting cleaner, which is nice.
Re: Ironman foam question...

I didn't work today due to rain, so I got quite a bit done. Did some final trimming on the four pieces (chest, back, 2 shoulders). Used some silicon to fill small gaps/spaces. I just squeezed a little out of the tube onto my finger and worked it in that way. Sanded off the excess later with some 220 grit sandpaper. I did 3 coats of thinned mod podge. Then one coat of primer and one coat so far of cherry red. They look much brighter red in the pictures than they really are. I'll do one more coat of red, then I'll mask off the small details to be sprayed gold.
Re: Ironman foam question...

Well, masking off didn't go so well. The gold turned out great, but when I removed the masking tape around the gold areas on the suit back, it peeled off some of the red paint with it. I figured I should have waited longer before putting tape on new paint. So the next day I masked off the new gold areas and re-sprayed the rest of the back with primer and red again. But the tape peeled off little bits of the gold too! Aaaaaaghhh! Anyways, I touched up those areas by hand and did the gold detail on the chest piece by hand too. One coat of polyurethane over everything gave it a nice smooth and shiny finish. Not tacky at all anymore.

I picked up some nylon straps and connectors at my local camping store to attach the parts. I haven't made the neck and brace yet, so they are just strapped to eachother.

I found a small LED touch light at the dollar store and cut a foam strip to surround it so it would fit tightly. It's not perfect and not permanent, but it'll do for Halloween. Beats having a big empty hole in the chest. Pics are with and without camera flash.
Re: Ironman foam question...

Looking good, the helmet looks great. I melted mine a couple of weeks ago on the exhaust of my Harley
and almost had to start it all over. Where in Ontario are you from? Just so I can stay away from any costume contests your going to I don't want to loose!!!
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