[Finished] Mighty Morphing Power Rangers - Photoshoot Pics on Pg 2!


Master Member
ok, i got lured into this :D

we were discussing what we were gonna do for carneval, and we thought power rangers was a fun idea. now, somehow i agreed to this (alcohol might have had something to do with it :) ) and now i gotta make all these costumes by february.
im gonna order bodysuits (one colored), and just sew on the diamond pattern, helmets are made of foam with a cheap acrylic visor, boots are prolly gonna be just rubber boots painted white with the pattern on, it only has to hold up for 1 day :D

anyone know where to get cheap morphsuits? obviously im not gonna pay for the costumes, my friends pay materials and stuff, but i still want to keep it as cheap as possible

first helmet is allready built, was rather fast with that one, modding the pep file and building in just about 14 hours. looks pretty good to me.
also, i started using the right colored foam for everything i build this way, if paint rubs off (which allways happens), it wont be visible.


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Re: WIP: all mighty morphing power rangers

the last time i went to party city, they had some morph suits for like $40ish! the helmet looks great so far! :)
Re: WIP: all mighty morphing power rangers

Looks good, will you be posting the converted files? JF converted pink and green a while back but he's been too busy for the others, was hoping to build them all myself.
Re: WIP: all mighty morphing power rangers

i converted them all, i also reconverted the pink one cause i didnt like jfs file (sorry, im not a fan of the rounded top part he did), and i also remodeled the white one, so it could be made without the raised pattern first, and then add the pattern later. the only thing i didnt do was edit the pattern, cause after about 5 tries or so doing it in the c4d i gave up, and decided to sketch it on by hand as soon as im at that point, and then cut it out. i did however add the raised layer to the pep file, and made a photoshop template of how it should look, just for safekeeping :)
now all i need is to get the right colored foam, and back home after christmas to continue building :)
have some preview shots.
white pattern.png
Re: WIP: all mighty morphing power rangers

small update:

budget is a bitch, but i made a visor for free (no tint yet) out of a coke bottle. and it worked amazingly well to my astoundment. i also made a morpher out of spare foam, it seems a little small to me tho. we will see, maybe one of the girls gets it. we will see.

(pls excuse the crappy pics, my phone broke, and the replacement phone cam sucks)

also, i tried to get appropriately colored foam today, cause they were sold out before christmas (sucks), and it turns out, its still sold out except for crappy colored foam. (like beige and ****, that noone needs)

so, its on a break till i get new foam :(
Re: WIP: all mighty morphing power rangers

small update, i did start the pink ranger, and finished the pink (and grey) parts, cause that was teh only foam i had left. now, i really have to wait, i could make the mouthpieces for all the other rangers with the remaining grey foam, but i dont wanna :D

Re: WIP: all mighty morphing power rangers

Good luck getting the foam, I hope it is in stock soon. I am enjoying watching this thread.
Re: WIP: all mighty morphing power rangers

i had 2 days of freetime, so i cranked out 3 more helmets (and finished the pink one)

so in theory, i have 5 done. in reality, the blue one is waaaay too big, idk why i scaled it to the same scale as the others, and pink one is also scaled to the same scale, just the model is not the same height as the others, so it needs to be scaled bigger. so, i have to definitely rebuild blue, and maybe pink, depending on whos head it goes on, it might fit. i also still need to do some detailing on the black one, especially the nose area. but thats about an hour of work, so not too much

overall the most annoying part so far was those damn teeth on the red ranger, it has 40 teeth, and none of them is the same. i had to cut out each one seperately, and then bevel it with the dremel (which is hard, considering my very big fingers vs the very small tooth to hold, and sand at the same time with the dremel. Safe to say, i have no more finger prints :D)

photos are still ****, cause my real phone is still being repaired, so i have no decent camera, but you get the idea :D

Re: WIP: all mighty morphing power rangers

btw, i anyone has a pattern for a white ranger shield, i would greatly appreciate it. if i cant find anything appropriate, i will make one myself, but im working on a tight schedule here, so every bit of time saved would be helpful ;)
Re: WIP: all mighty morphing power rangers - looking for a white ranger shield patter

I don't. ..... but those look like they are going to be fun!
Re: WIP: all mighty morphing power rangers - looking for a white ranger shield patter

Hey eyeofsauron if u look up blackkaos here on the rpf he is selling the white ranger shield, belt and cuffs for pepakura. Hope that helps man and great job and everything :)
Re: WIP: all mighty morphing power rangers - looking for a white ranger shield patter

Hey eyeofsauron if u look up blackkaos here on the rpf he is selling the white ranger shield, belt and cuffs for pepakura. Hope that helps man and great job and everything :)

thx man, but im not paying for pep files, i dont mind if someone is selling his, but i dont have money to spend on files :) i found a picture of a template on the rangerboard, which was just a picture, so i unstretched it and got the perspective right, and then traced it. its not finished yet, but im gonna post a pic of it here now so other people can play with it :)


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