Finished Batman Arkham City Props


Sr Member
I started working on getting Arkham props done with the help of a few different people back in October 2011. I am proud to show off some of the gadgets that are finished. These are not painted by me. Couldn't be happier with them!


Wow Matt, they look awesome.

I am going to be trying to 3D print these from some files I got from the games, but I can only pray that they come out anywhere near as good as yours.

Excellent job !
Batman Arkham Asylum Grapple Gun Kit is soooo COOL !!!

I don't even follow BATMAN and I LOVE these designs.

The construction is incredible. The Batman Arkham Asylum Grapple Gun Kit could serve as a futuristic Police Sidearm - although I know it is from the video game. Saw the youtube builds. WOW !!!

Thanks - keep up the awesome work.

Quite an old thread guys - however saying that, absolutely awesome props. I have very similar files and have printed the Cryptographic Sequencer and the Explosive Gel Gun so far.
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