Finding Dory (Post-release)


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Re: Finding Dory

Wow...thanks for posting about this. This is great news. Finding Nemo is one of my favorite animated films and I'm sure this next one will be just as charming!
Re: Finding Dory

Huh, I assumed this was an April Fools thing that I had just missed.

I'm sure we can expect this one to be just as morbidly depressing as "Finding Nemo" was.
Re: Finding Dory

if it is like toy story 3 and brave....then it will be another recycled story from a previous disney film just to sell tickets and make more money
Re: Finding Dory

Cars 2 and Toy Story 2 were weak, but Toy Story 3 was fantastic, so I have SOME faith in Pixar's sequels, though clearly their batting average isn't as high as their new releases.

Brave is not a sequel... sure it's a Disney Princess movie disguised as a Pixar film and not a very good one at that, but different than a sequel.

Monsters University will be a good indicator if Pixar still has their magic touch when it comes to sequels... err prequels, whatever.

I guess we'll have to wait longer for a Incredibles sequel... *sigh*
Re: Finding Dory

Cars 2 and Toy Story 2 were weak.

Oh, no. You're not putting Toy Story 2 on the weak list. That's my favorite of the Toy Story films even with TS3.

As for this movie? I have some concern as to what the title suggests since Dora was the, well. You know what I mean.
Re: Finding Dory

Toy Story 2... my favorite of the Toy Story films.

I really don't have high hopes with this new movie, as I haven't really enjoyed the last couple of Pixar films, but you never know. I'm realllly hoping they do another Incredibles though!
Re: Finding Dory

I find humor in Andrew Stanton returning to direct this (*particular project) after his flop in his live action directorial debut. Unlike Brad Bird's successful transition, Stanton didn't fair as well, so he decided to return to wear a familiar hat. Who can blame him? I would pick back up where I once left off if a new venture didn't pan out. But.... why THIS story?
He once was an advocate for original ideas and pushed Pixar to steer clear of sequels and to find new stories to tell. Now he is out and backpedalling on his word about why "this sequel was necessary". I call bs! He realized the money was in sequels and he decided to capitalize on it. Just don't try to bs the reason, just be honest.
Re: Finding Dory

He once was an advocate for original ideas and pushed Pixar to steer clear of sequels and to find new stories to tell. Now he is out and backpedalling on his word about why "this sequel was necessary". I call bs! He realized the money was in sequels and he decided to capitalize on it. Just don't try to bs the reason, just be honest.

Lassiter was that way too, I believe, but both of them have a new boss and the new boss, Disney, says make sequels, so what do you do but make sequels?
Re: Finding Dory

colliderfrosty: Disney just showed us the first 27 minutes of FINDING DORY. Looks so great and very funny. Can't wait to see the rest of the film.

slashfilm: The opening of Finding Dory is still powerful on second viewing. They showed much more, new Sea Lion characters are hilarious. #cinemacon

devincf: Saw the first 27 minutes of FINDING DORY. First few minutes are very emotionally powerful.

ErikDavis: Man, the animation in Finding Dory is just gorgeous. First 30 minutes are great - emotional, funny, and beautiful to watch. #CinemaCon

firstshowing: Finding Dory first 27 minutes is wonderful. Ended right when it was getting good. Feeling the emotions and so happy to be back underwater.

GermainLussier: I'd already seen the first 15 minutes of Finding Dory but the next 15 are equally as beautiful and hilarious. Sucks a lot to stop it there.

bcbishop: There's a reason Disney/Pixar felt comfortable showing the first 27 minutes of Finding Dory. Achieves maximum heartstring pull in 45 seconds
Re: Finding Dory

I'm really thrilled that Ed O'Neill is the voice of Hank. I think that will be perfect voice-casting!

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i'm still not sure why this movie is even being made.

just seems like a retread of the first one. but, what the's a distraction for two hours, will probably see it next week.
Just saw it last night, and honestly It didn't live up to my expectations because: (spoiler alert)

1. I didn't find it as emotional and motivating as Finding Nemo.
2. The whole time span of the film lasted around a day and a half or two at best, whereas Finding Nemo took maybe three months or so.
3. That whole "what would Dory do?" line was slightly overused.
4. I waited for 12 years, 10 months, 6 days, 16 hours and 7 minutes just to see the fate of the Tank Gang, return only after the credits and be onscreen for 15 seconds only.
5. Dory did find her parents literally 5 minutes after she was told that they're gone, alive and well after all those years (I really hoped that they weren't just to give the film a lot more emotion)

On the bright side,

1. Young Dory was soooooooooooo adorable
2. How Dory was lost and wandering around tied in really well to how she bumped into Marlin in the first film
3. Hank was pretty funny


But then again, it's a kid's movie. It was made for children and not for the people who got to see Finding Nemo the first time it was released, so I guess being a casual moviegoer, it was really good.
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Finding Dory


Found her!



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