Escape From New York Snake Plissken Leather Jacket

The website listed has a ton of jackets on it, has anyone else ordered any jackets from them? I am leaning towards the Max Payne Jacket for daily wear.

What I am looking for is how is the interior of the jacket, pockets, lining etc.
So I did a little destressing of the jacket a few days ago.

Back story... I work in the oilfield and I am currently working in Miami, Tx (it's in the Panhandle, look it up) I'm working off of Quarterhorse Road where there are a ***** ton of wells being drilled. Up here we have a lot of caliche dust from the caliche formation, it's a calcium carbonate that is very abrasive.

I dropped my jacket on the ground, stomped on it for a while and slid my boots over the shell. It took some of the shine off of the jaclet, gave it a few skuff marks that I did not expect and added a dusty look to it. Nothing photo worthy but it was a solution that I was happy with. Sanders and rubbing alcohol did not turn me on...
I hear that someone else is also thinking about making a Plisken jacket as well keep a eye on him...curious to see how his turns out.
each to their own, but a company that doesn't have any photos of their product on the site and then proves that they can't even put a zip on the right side, is not getting a cent of my money.
I got ahold of one of Magnoli's Escape jackets a few years back. And while personally I find the collar not to be as screen accurate as it could be, it's definitely one of the best Plissken jackets out there.
Just got my Magnoli Antique cowhide. WORTH. EVERY. CENT. Here's the costume so far...
so, as a novice sewer, i thought i'd take a crack at crafting my own plissken jacket out of chocolate horsehide leather. i'm about 3/5's done with it. pros to being able to do this are A.) obviously more cost effective, and B.) i'm able to tailor it specifically to myself and have a nice fitted jacket. here are some progress pics. please let me know what you all think!:cool

the only thing, at this point i wish i would have done differently was use a 7 inch pocket zipper instead of 5 inch. looks a little too short, but... i'll deal with it. i'm REALLY happy with how its turning out!
Awesome work on the jacket! Now you just gotta find a way to age/distress it to appropriate Plissken levels and your all set
I see that it's been mentioned in some Tron threads, but I just found and they do completely custom leather jackets for $190 in your choice of color, and whatever leather you want (as long as it's "Pure Napa Sheep Skin Soft Leather"). FWIW.
BE JEALOUS, BITCHES!!!!!! hahahaha, j/k. incredible eBay find. 70+ year old horsehide flight jacket. worn to ****!!!! fits great. very similar in style and fit as snake's. ONLY difference is the front pockets, but the real distinction is the wear and distressing, which is AMAZING!!!!! $250!!!!!!!
Sorry I'm late. I just dropped by to see how bdude93 was doing on his jacket and-- oh, SWEET! Excellent find! Look at that distress. I hate that faux-distressed leather; it's just a pale imitation of the real deal.

So you gonna finish that other one or what? ;)
Sorry I'm late. I just dropped by to see how bdude93 was doing on his jacket and-- oh, SWEET! Excellent find! Look at that distress. I hate that faux-distressed leather; it's just a pale imitation of the real deal.

So you gonna finish that other one or what? ;)

yeah, i definitely am going to finish it. i'm currently about 3/5 of the way done. got distracted with my universal soldier costume. as i'm still trying to source the plissken boots, i'm in no hurry. think i may need a heavier duty sewing machine. can feel the motor starting to give when i get up to having to sew 4 or 5 layers. but it's looking sweet!