ESB AT-ST SM SS questions...


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody,
I've just bought the ESB chicken walker Stop Mption armature and I was wondering if there where an official and definitive kit parts list so I can start to collect them.
I was looking at all the threads I could find about that beast on theRPF and some of the personnal pages and you guys are really inspiring so Here I am. :)
I believe the vac formed parts of the head are gonna come with the armature so I may need help on the measurements to trim them, I think.

Thanks in advance.
Hello Stephane, welcome into the wonderful Studio Scale world.
There is no definitive kit list for any model (the tesb model is one of the most documented model, and Im pretty sure a good kit list is floating around here).
Unfortunatly you cant expect getting a definitive kit list just by asking here, that does not work like that (by respect for those who spent years and money finding these kits).
But like I said you're in luck, I think you can find anything you want about this model in threads and if you have any question regarding particular parts, we would be happy to help !
if I were you I would look through the past builds on this model, there are some excellent info to be found in them from very talented folks. reading all the threads can be tedious, but the knowledge you gain is well worth it :)

fyi ....expect to fork out around $1500 + in kits, then go to sjanish for the Porsche part ( that kit sells over $600 and only yields one tiny part ) and a couple other parts that are one off from spendy models that are difficult to acquire...but not impossible.
I just spent the last six months gathering kits, around 38.
You are welcome Stephane.
I guess you should take a look at
You'll find what you're looking for.
38 kits, damned. :)
Sounds exciting. As usual for this kind of hobby, some stuff I hard to find. I know.... When through that many times for my Aliens props builds.
Been there... ;)
I already went through some a the threads and even some Parisian site to try to discover some infos.
Thanks a lot for preparing me for what's waiting for me.
I really appreciate it.

no problem
like monsieurtox stated, is another great site to look through.
Lucky me, I already subscribed at many years ago.

Thanks again guys. :)
Do you have the photos I provided to builders of the original? pm me for them, if not. Also hit up QCFoundry here, as he drafted plans and I believe the "recipe" is included in the blueprints. Many Bothans died to bring every one this information ;)
Thanks Mr Eaton.
You guys are so incredible and generous. I can't wait to start that chicken. Already bought a big pile of the tamiya kits to start. :)
I do not have the photos you sir are talking about. Will pm you about them.
As I've just delivered my last shots for guardians of the Galaxy, I do need some sleep. :)
I'll do my best to post as regularly as my job can allow me.
I so can't wait to start this ESB AT-ST. My son is gonna go nuts when he's going see all the parts and the armature come in.

PS love the paint job on roboCain. Had to buy it. ;)
I've received the Stop motion armature and so far 14 kits. I've started to extract the parts I'm interested by.
I went through practically all threads and blogs I could find and I've learn a lot already but still some mysteries persist. :)
Some thread like Allan's have lost all photos and I believe lot of them were proper mapping so if Allan or any other generous soul can share them, that would be much appreciated. ;)
I'll do some photos soon. As soon as it becomes interesting.
On my journey through the kits, I discovered that some parts have double and even more for some kits so I'll be pleased to help people who need some parts or even do some exchange.
I recognized a lots of parts for the speeder bike..... That was a weird feeling like "OMG that's how they did design it..."
So I went on studioscalemodelers to check if something existed about it and obviously they new all about it already as you all know too. I've seen some of your names there. :D
Mr Eaton, I did PM you as you offered about the original AT-ST photos but I'm not sure you've received the two of them. I hope you're ok and just super busy doing magic on models.

Thanks again for all the help I've received already and please do not stop here. :p

This will get you started. I lost many of the original pics due to a lapsed account with my web host (long story)...

The 1/12 Ford F1 Fuel Injection plate is wrong. In looking at the ref I decided the guns were actually articulated with a larger brass tube forming what looks like the "lip" from the fuel injection plate.

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Thank you Sir.
Sad story that you've lost many original pics..... I hope someone will have them so you'll be able to got them back too. :)
For the Ford F1, that's one of the kit I did not buy yet as I find three different 1/12 kit and I don't know which one is the correct one. The Tyrrell Ford F1, the Wolf WR1 Ford F1 or the Lotus 49B Ford F1?
I knew the round covers were from the Churchill Crocodile... That means I need the the Churchill crocodile and not the other one.... Damned. ;)
Or someone can tell me I'm wrong on this one.Please tell me I'm wrong.


Allans side gun map.Good luck on your build,can't wait to see some progress.Maybe one day I'll get back to my build.

The F1 car you need is the 1/12 Lotus JPS Mk III (it has a Ford engine like most of the F1 cars of this era :)).
Its been a very long time, but as far as I can remember, you dont need the Churchill Croc, the regular Churchill has the parts you want, but maybe Im wrong and someone will correct me.
The F1 car you need is the 1/12 Lotus JPS Mk III (it has a Ford engine like most of the F1 cars of this era :)).
Its been a very long time, but as far as I can remember, you dont need the Churchill Croc, the regular Churchill has the parts you want, but maybe Im wrong and someone will correct me.

I looked at many model auctions trying to find this out myself, but in all of them that showed the individual sprues I saw no fenders in the Churchill, but did every time in the churchill croc.
Thank you gentlemen.
As for the crocodile..... Too late. Found one.:cool
Thanks Dave for the side gun photo.
Hey Julien, So the only parts that I need from the 1/12 Lotus JPS Mk III would be parts of the engine?
Because so far on my list I already have the 1/12 Lotus JPS Mk III but have as well something saying "1/12 Any Ford F1" so I'm a bit confused. :confused
Jerry, I believe the fenders on the Croc are back and front and the other version just got the back ones for what I can see on the pictures.

I looked at many model auctions trying to find this out myself, but in all of them that showed the individual sprues I saw no fenders in the Churchill, but did every time in the churchill croc.

Not sure what part you are talking about but the parts used for the gun and for the legs are from the Churchill tank, not from the trailer that is included into the Croc kit.
Thank you gentlemen.
As for the crocodile..... Too late. Found one.:cool
Thanks Dave for the side gun photo.
Hey Julien, So the only parts that I need from the 1/12 Lotus JPS Mk III would be parts of the engine?
Because so far on my list I already have the 1/12 Lotus JPS Mk III but have as well something saying "1/12 Any Ford F1" so I'm a bit confused. :confused
Jerry, I believe the fenders on the Croc are back and front and the other version just got the back ones for what I can see on the pictures.


Cant remember if the 1/12 JPS has specific parts for the atst (the 1/20 JPS has).
"Any Ford F1" is not totally correct, but "any F1 with a DFV engine (Cosworth/Ford). The DFV engine was used by many F1 teams (only a few used their own engines like Ferrari).
Most of the DFV parts are common to several 1/12 (and 1/20) Tamiya kits : JPS, 6 Wheeler, BT44, Williams etc
Because so far on my list I already have the 1/12 Lotus JPS Mk III but have as well something saying "1/12 Any Ford F1" so I'm a bit confused. :confused
Jerry, I believe the fenders on the Croc are back and front and the other version just got the back ones for what I can see on the pictures.


the "any ford f1 confused me also, I went and bought a ford f1, to find it was not what I needed, "any ford f1" was referring to any f1 already on the list, I think I used the jps 1/12 kit for the parts, i'll dig through the bags of parts and see....

"Jerry, I believe the fenders on the Croc are back and front and the other version just got the back ones for what I can see on the pictures."
yes, this is what was trying to convey :)
Here's a pic of the hull of the Churchill kit with the fenders on the very top of the pic.


The fender parts are attached to the Hull with small sprues.
Of course those parts have to be trimmed to match the original model. :)

Now a pic of the same part (hull+fenders) from the Churchill Croc kit.


This time, it's a side view. But you can see those are exactly the same parts in both kits. The Churchill Croc kit have an extra sprue (for the trailer) which has no part for the atst.