EFX TIE Interceptor

I VERY much appreciate Barry's posts with his view from the inside.

With that being said -

As a consumer I have purchased an MR Falcon, FX Company (Polar Lights) 1701-A build, and a space ship kit from Richard.

I can say hands down the S1 is my favorite ship in the SW universe. I have wanted a large replica of one for over 30 years.

After seeing the eFX Red 5 I can tell you that I - as a consumer will make my presence known with my hard earned $$.

As a consumer I can tell you my S1 money won't be spent on an eFX S1.
Mike, REL, eFX, Anyone else actually invovlved,

People Please let it go... It is possible that you can all be "right" and no good can come from further discussion. It obvious to me having read most of the releavant posts in several threads that both sides feel slighted and/or misrepresented and neither is changeing their opinion. Its also clear that the sides are increasing close to starting up a real conflict. For the sake of all - we are for the most part freindly here if not actual friends - please just drop the whole thing. REL and co.s Slave is awesome. As I'm sure eFX's will be as well. I's also bet a lot of money that the eFX one will be symetric ... Whoops I'm breaking my own plea - lets stop talking about it and let it go... and build bridges not burn them.

Jedi Dade
AKA Frank Wire
All my petty banter aside, and yeah i can be an ass at times, but, id kill to see eFX do some scaled stuff, that would appeal to all IMO.

Just think ISD's, Moncal's, Tantive, Med Frigate, any of these scaled, at maybe the 18" to 24" range, how cool, they have the access, they have the talent, even a scaled 5ft Falcon, how cool would that be?

How about it Bryan, good or bad idea?

If eFX can secure a license for something like "super deluxe Action Fleet" vehicles, without conflicting with Hasbro's licenses, I too would be over the moon. Can you imagine a die cast and injection plastic line of ships made by some of those Chinese factories that make the higher end scale cars? I've been hearing about, talking about, and wanting stuff like that for years.

Something that would make you say "this gives me the same excited feeling in my stomach that I felt when I opened up that die cast Star Wars toy I had in 1979". The same concept really, but larger and with far more refinement.
Thats kind of the angle i was leaning to Jason, like the high end diecast aircraft market?
High end, very accurate, but scaled down resin/diecast replicas, i think its something that would appeal to many, and suit pockets in the economic climate right now.
Anyhoo, back to the Interceptor, but just wanted to put that one forward!

I totally agree with you two guys - it would be fantastic to see accurate and affordable replicas such as you've mentioned. I too remember back in 79 seeing the SD, Falcon, Y die casts.
It would be superb to see a two foot version of the 5 foot Falcon, a two foot Tantive, perhaps a 9 inch high standard TIE.
Once can only dream.
MR people wanted to do that kind of product five years ago, but at least then, it was too close to Hasbro's domain. Maybe one day!
Just think ISD's, Moncal's, Tantive, Med Frigate, any of these scaled, at maybe the 18" to 24" range, how cool, they have the access, they have the talent, even a scaled 5ft Falcon, how cool would that be?lee

In the thread that got killed a day or two ago I said I wasn't up for pre-built anything. I take it back. I'd buy a scaled Liberty or Home One, if big enough.

Gimme a scaled Avenger, Med Frigate, and Home One....id blow a gasket lol, Jason, i dont really think doing a line f high end scaled reps, would really conflict with Hasbro, especially if they kept it to Captial ships of the OT?
Im thinking around the 2ft mark too Martyn, maybe even with lights, could be wicked!

My understanding is that their license specifically does not allow them to do any scaled down ships because of Hasboro's Titanium line, which Hasboro jealously guards. To bad, because one doesn't compare to the other.
Amen, as a few inches, compared to 24" of them, is a universe apart, that kinda throws a spanner in my dream your a bad egg Hasbro LOL.

If eFX can secure a license for something like "super deluxe Action Fleet" vehicles, without conflicting with Hasbro's licenses, I too would be over the moon. Can you imagine a die cast and injection plastic line of ships made by some of those Chinese factories that make the higher end scale cars? I've been hearing about, talking about, and wanting stuff like that for years.

Something that would make you say "this gives me the same excited feeling in my stomach that I felt when I opened up that die cast Star Wars toy I had in 1979". The same concept really, but larger and with far more refinement.

That would be awesome. I used to be an Action Fleet collector and ships in that size always appealed to me. Hasbro had their chance when produced Action Fleet (after buying Galoob) and then canceling the line and then when launched Ultra Titaniums line which was also canceled. We need something better.
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