Edge of Tomorrow ( Live Die Repeat) (Post-release)

Re: Edge of Tomorrow

There is something about Emily Blunt in full body armour and wielding immense amounts of weaponry that I find incredibly watchable (though perhaps from a very safe distance!). I thought she was one of the best things about Looper and she looks superbly toned and athletic in this. And that beautifully crisp and clipped voice. Groundhog Day with bullets, bombs, belligerent aliens AND Emily Blunt !!!!!!!!! Whats not to like .
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Re: Edge of Tomorrow

The book this movie is based on was on sale on Amazon Kindle so I bought it based on the good reviews. With the exception of Collateral I have a hard time watching Tom Cruise movies, but if this stays reasonably true to the book I will watch it. Not in theaters, but when it comes out.
Re: Edge of Tomorrow

Saw the extended trailer with X men and I thought it looked very good, but looks are not always a well kept promise of a satisfying film storyline.
Great news is the reviews are really positive and strong and the whole concept sounds as if it works extremely well: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/edge_of_tomorrow/

So read Empire's Edge Of Tomorrow Movie Review if you want to know more. Some spoilers but really nothing that you haven't worked out from the trailers if you've thought about it
I'm totally in ,if only for Emily Blunt. She looks like Vasquez's battle sword swinging sister and an absolute hard ass at that. Mays been a great month for films , so far the quality has been excellent .
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Re: Edge of Tomorrow

Watched it a couple of hours ago and hopefully will have the time to watch it again next week since I absolutely loved it, what a ride. What the Trailers didn't show was that the movie also has its share of humor, but without it overshadowing the drama of what's at stake. When I left the cinema, I had the reflex surely not uncommon for members of this board: "This movie was awesome, I need to own a piece of (/from/about) it." Too bad there isn't an Art (or at least Making Of) book, because I really dig those Exo Suit and Plane designs.

Very bad timing though that Edge of Tomorrow is coming out only a week after DOFP, which sure will hurt its box office numbers. The biggest screens are still reserved for the latest X-Men movie (which admittedly was also excellent).
Re: Edge of Tomorrow

The whole time loop story can be traced back to the 1973 short "12:01 PM" which was made into a 30 minute movie in 1990 and what Groundhog Day is said to have ripped off ! It was also made into a 1993 as a television movie.
Re: Edge of Tomorrow

Movie's been rockin' the RT score over the last week or so, 94% with 35 reviews. I was sorta interested in seeing this b/c of its manga roots, but now I definitely want to catch this in the theaters. It's giving me the Dredd 2012 vibe - good movie but will probably bomb at the box office. Even with strong word of mouth I can't see this picking up heavy steam, sandwiched between DOFP, TF4, HTTYD2, and 22 Jump Street.
Re: Edge of Tomorrow

Buddy if mine caught an early screening of this and loved it. And he is usually super critical.
Edge of Tomorrow (Post Release)

Just got back from this tonight and I have to say that this was a real let down.

Unengaging on every level. Most of the movie just seemed to pull scenes right out of other films. Saving private ryan, Aliens, and most of all Matrix Revolutions.

I like Tom Cruise and thought Oblivion was fantastic, I wouldn't even buy this on Blueray.

4/10 on a good day.

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Re: Edge of Tomorrow (Post-release)

I like the concept, and a review said it was a glorified FPS theme. Fight, Die, Respawn, Boss Battle. If the reviews were totally split I would wonder whether I should see it or not, but seems like TC does good sci-fi.
Re: Edge of Tomorrow (Post-release)

Of all the films I thought I would like this year, I didn’t think EOT stood a chance as the one to be standing out from the pack. It looked like a composite of so many other sci fi movies ,very like “Oblivion” was, but I still reckoned it would be a competently entertaining way of watching Bill Paxman channelling his inner scene chewing Hudson again for a couple of hours.
I was so, so wrong.
This was a great entertaining film ,action packed, clever and dead funny in a way I never thought it could be. For instance I didn't think I’d ever laugh so much and hard at Tom Cruises range of dying screams!
Yes, it has echoes of all those illustrious ancestors you’ve seen before but its cut together in such away that the story rips along and branches unexpectedly and then goes in directions you’d never dream of when it first starts. It’s a real original style wise and it reminded me far more of that TV series “Flashforward” in the way the story arch can change as it charts Cruise personal evolution from a self serving little weasel into a battle wearied veteran. And I’ve got to say how they set the ending up had me absolutely on the edge of my seat. So this ended up perhaps the best TC film I’ve ever watched for a long while.
And as a super plus not only that but I did see far more of Emily Blunt as a sword wielding combat goddess than I could have possibly hoped for, but she’s hardly a love interest for Tom in this , more of a terrifyingly practical weapons instructress. And then some.
Really, this is one of Cruise’s best characters in an age ,and the way the film is built around him was so good you’ll be sorry when it ends. The transformative effect on his character , caused by his accumulative experiences of death is convincing, riveting and I’ve got to say at times quite moving. Yes it’s a little like a video game in its construction, but you love the way it makes itself like that without being anything LIKE the kind of crap video game to film conversions we are used to getting .
Bill Paxton’s drill sergeant is absolutely great in this, and you’ll laugh at a couple of his lines (“Drop and give me fifty!”) and the effects are very bold and strong , but if your girlfriends and wives don’t like spiders, they ain’t going to be too keen on the invading aliens, which are all a storm of fast moving tentacles.
I’d see it again in a second, but not in 3D this time, as there is so much going on in the early beach invasion scenes it was hard to track at times.
There could have been an argument for going for a harder rating with this but the excessive number of deaths would have been wearing, and the relatively goreless effects and cuts from helped keep it the rightside of being entertaining as far as I was concerned.
Great film!!! Far, far better than Godzilla, as enjoyable of X men and Captain America.
Re: Edge of Tomorrow (Post-release)

It's Time To Start Rooting For Tom Cruise Again | Badass Digest

I already expressed my feelings about Tom Cruise in the previous pages of this thread. And sadly I think some of the stigma attached with the actor will still result in many not giving this movie a chance.

Spot on "review" and I second your opinion. Sadly, I don't think this will do well because the commercials and trailers simply don't get over just how differently the film plays with the expectations of every other sci fi film before it and its got kind of lost in the hype around Godzilla and X men. I'd have gone with a much later release date when the rest of the summer blockbusters had played out, it would have been a perfect late autumn movie . I've got to admit I'm still smiling about a couple of the scenes, right up to the very last shot and cut, it had the kind of dark humour I like but so rarely see these days. And the dead serious action pieces towards the end that really thrilled me, somewhat like Dredd managed to do last year. But overall it was Cages journey of "redemption under fire" that was the surprisingly honest and most gripping element for me,and how Cruise manages to turn the character around from a guy you are happy to see killed in so many terrible ways into the person you are absolutely desperate to see succeed by the end is a credit to his talents. Hugely enjoyable!
Re: Edge of Tomorrow (Post-release)

It seems like I'm in the wrong camp regarding my views on this movie, I might go and give it a second viewing. I have a feeling the person who constantly knocked the back of my chair might of put me in a bad mood which led to an unfair review on my part.
Re: Edge of Tomorrow (Post-release)

Caught a screening of this tonight - really great, fun film for me - everyone who was with us enjoyed it as well… Makes we want to read the book...
Re: Edge of Tomorrow (Post-release)

Hey, just because you think it sucks, doesn't mean your wrong...it just makes us feel more right...:p
It seems like I'm in the wrong camp regarding my views on this movie, I might go and give it a second viewing. I have a feeling the person who constantly knocked the back of my chair might of put me in a bad mood which led to an unfair review on my part.
Re: Edge of Tomorrow (Post-release)

Hey, just because you think it sucks, doesn't mean your wrong...it just makes us feel more right...:p

No, no.... I'm going to watch it one more time to see if my opinion is in fact the right opinion. At that point I will come back here and argue with anyone who dares contradict my thoughts on this movie. You will all succumb to my movie bashing in the end. :popcorn:D