Dr Karas' 2013 Halloween Costume Contest Entry - Cyberman

Dr Karas

New Member
This is my second suit of armour, but my first pepakura build. I recently discovered the RPF while researching (yep) Iron Man builds. I had planned on making a Mk7, and probably will, but decided to start off with another favorite: the new series cyberman! There's a fairly large Who contingent here in Atlantic Canada, and I'll be wearing this suit to the local sci-fi-con in November.

I have to thank JFcustom for the foam unfold files, and all the contributors to wondersquid's Cyberman thread for the reference images and the inspiration to keep going. :) At this stage, I still have to construct the legs and shoes, the undersuit, a few details here and there, and coat the whole deal with liquid plastic and paint. I hope to use attempt Shelfside's finishing technique as laid out in his "IM Mk3 Plastic Coated Foam" thread. It's getting close, but I think I can finish in time.

Here's what I've got so far:

Here is the first piece I worked on, the simple forearm. I didn't like the first flat wrist piece I had made, so I eventually swapped it out with this more detailed version.

Next I built the upper arms, using some spare dowel I had left over from a previous project. Gotta love freebies!

By then I was getting more comfortable with the software and everything so I picked up the pace and sort of worked on the helmet and torso simultaneously. Here are the two of them halfway done. Listening to some tunes and trying to get a feel for how the helmet will look when the handlebars are added.

This is how the torso looks at this stage.

And here's the built bucket. Just have to add the dowels and coat/sand/paint.

Then came the gloves (which still need finger plates)...

...and the cod piece.

This is some thin conduit I found at the dollar store. I'll be cutting it lengthwise and gluing to fabric as my undersuit.

A quick shot of the head and torso together,

and the most recent (blurry) pic of a test fitting.

So that's it for now, I'll be updating when I can. Please, if you have any comments or suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Thanks!


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Re: Dr Karas' 2013 Halloween Costume Contest Entry

A short update with the lower legs now built. I've read that the bulge on the calf was not initially party of the design but had to be added when the legs were too tight for the actors to get into.



And the most recent test fitting. It's coming together!



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Re: Dr Karas' 2013 Halloween Costume Contest Entry

the last picture attachments arnt working


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Re: Dr Karas' 2013 Halloween Costume Contest Entry

pictures are working
and the costume is looking awesome man! nicely done
Re: Dr Karas' 2013 Halloween Costume Contest Entry

Thanks guys, here's an update.

Finished the thighs and added the handlebars to the helmet. All that's left are the finger plates, boots, and a couple of seams on the back of the torso and helmet. Hopefully those will all be done tomorrow and I can finally start on the finish. Can't wait to see this thing in gleaming "metal"!

If any body has any tips or suggestions, please let me know before I start laying down paint!

Re: Dr Karas' 2013 Halloween Costume Contest Entry

Awesome work Sir! And very quick too! I can't wait to see the finished piece. Good luck with the undersuit, that is the hardest part for many of the cyber builders.
Re: Dr Karas' 2013 Halloween Costume Contest Entry

Awesome work Sir! And very quick too! I can't wait to see the finished piece. Good luck with the undersuit, that is the hardest part for many of the cyber builders.

Thanks wondersquid! Btw, I know you said about your undersuit that the latex made it a little warm, but how did you feel about the panels? If you didn't latex it, would the panel system have been worth it? or would you have attached right to black clothing? I'm worried about slipping or detaching if I do panels.
Awesome work !

Looking forward to seeing how you tackle the undersuit....... this part of the build is the bit I'm worried about on my Cyber build.
I used Plastic Dip which is pretty similar to latex in its sealing qualities. As to the breathing of the fabric, its sort of tough choice you have to make. On the one hand is getting the detail to stay on, if you don't "latex" it, the hoses will eventually fall off. But you will have the fabric very breathable and somewhat comfortable. If you do "latex" it and the details are good and secure, then the airflow is gone and you sweat - a lot! The panel idea is interesting, but hiding the seams would be my concern. After all the actual suits have large Latex panels sewed to under suit of black. But those panels are so big that the breathing problem is back again.

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