Doctor Who Space Helmet ID help

The options ended up being too pricey for me to jump almost 400 bucks, plus shipping and then there was that fiasco as the safety helmets are not tested here I would have to get a third party :p

I even tried contacting the company to get a refurb part or used parts to just make the helmet but they never got back to me.

I still plan on getting this together one day, just a matter of when now.
I had actually requested a pep file from DB for the helmet but he has a lot of requests on his plate at this time. Hopefully it wont be much longer I can not wait to make one of these!
I'm still planning on getting one of these helmets, but I don't know how much it'll cost me and that's making me hesitant. That space suit has already cost me over $1000 and it just sits in a pile on the floor because I haven't been able to get one small piece to finish it. I want to finish the suit before I dive into the hell that will be making the helmet.
Anyone got some awesome reference pics they can send me? UPS just called for my Federal tax ID so my precious can clear customs. I'm going to measure the hell out of this thing and try to get someone to scan and scale up the 1:6 helmet as a base to add on to.
Can anybody tell me what this part is?


There are 3 of them on the helmet. One on the forehead and one on each ear. Looks like some kind of clip to me, but who knows. Could be anything.
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