Do you find yourself saying "Do I really NEED this prop/toy/replica?"

There's also the cost vs enjoyment factor. I'd love a 1:1 endo arm but honestly i'm not sure i can justify 700.00 for it just to sit on a shelf. Honestly I think my one buddy and I just rotate items from our collections for bdays and christmas as we have the same tastes so we could just pack something up easily lol
Here is the question.... it better to want something but not NEED it and never get it? Or is it better to buy it anyway, and say "I shouldn't have bought that"?

Of course remember, we are talking about props. Not cars or TVs.
Here is the question.... it better to want something but not NEED it and never get it? Or is it better to buy it anyway, and say "I shouldn't have bought that"?

Of course remember, we are talking about props. Not cars or TVs.
I think the passion and enjoyment adds up , to anything you spend , if you enjoy it , enough , the money factor depends on the passion for a prop or model....there is anyones justification
The process...the research that goes into it...the community feedback. We are crafting wonderful memories one piece st a time. No price can be placed on reviving Precious memories that made us who we are. If you have a connection with something...just get ot. Its a new memory for the good times bank.
I may have misinterpreted the question, but the rambling thoughts are already below..

To me, it's more recognizing a prop base item and having that intrigue my tinkering capacity.

I have no idea how they built them, but that's part of the challenge and the educational research.

Examples: "The most you've spent on something that might make a movie prop" category, in my world of parts-that-are-props:

Loose contextual association:
A Galaga from Wargames; Dual purpose. No details necessary other than perhaps a 7-11 Slurpee cup.

doesn't count really but indistinguishable from what was in the film. Midway loaned them a machine, even made placards for the arcade cabinets to cross-promote the film, Is it a prop or just a vintage game? doesn't matter while playing, oh yeah, it's in Wargames. They even played a game sound later in the film for no apparent reason.

And I can always recover my investment as that particular game has standalone value. I could add a switch to a media player that plays 'shall we play a game?' when you put a quarter in? sure. It didn't happen in the movie at that point,, but then again there's that weird phenomenon in the film where Broderick's accessory speech synthesizer module is apparently also installed in all other computers he gets near. The context that accents.

yes, sometimes I do feel I need that prop to finish the detail. Fabricate a speak & spell or ebay one for 20 bucks? Easy.

The trick there is finding the ones with the raised buttons, that's the proper movie one. But if having the later plastic-sheet version motivates me to figure out the E.T. spring-fork-sawblade-record player part, I can always keep looking for a correct one later. Some folks might not even notice the difference. I would.
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