Limited Run DL44 TFA Blaster Kit

Here are some I snapped on Saturday. Not sure when I'll be back there, but I'll do my best to get more if I can soon. The problem with a top angle is the display is deep and it's at the back. Can't really get above it!

Hmm... looks like a mashup between the different airsofts and the original c96. Made my ANH using the HFC m712 as a base so I know the model quite well by now. If anyone wants me to check for specific details, dimensions etc., just let me know.

Anyway, I'm in :)
I only just found this thread. Good to see all the usual suspects are at it again! I should have guessed there would be a lot of interest in replicating this prop since it will be a lot easier and cheaper to get the real base model gun than with the ANH's real Mauser. Only a couple more days and we'll get to see what it does on screen.

I've got nothing to contribute but enthusiasm!
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