DeAgostini Star Wars Helmet Collection


Master Member
I think someone posted news about this coming a month ago or so, but I saw the advert on TV last night,.....I might pick a few up


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Yep, they look great & not expensive.......storm troopers mouth looks a bit odd though

Actually a TIE helmet and TIE/X-Wing helmet and X-Wing together on a nice long base could be really eye catching... Something else to add to the list!
I picked up the Vader helmet for my girlfriend who is a big OT fan and has a collection of unboxed Black series figures in a display case.
Might pick a few up for her, Bob Fett is next followed by C3P0.
According to the website it's going to run for 60 issues but she said not to subscribe for her coz there's only a few she'd want.
And at a normal price of £9.99 it wouldn't be worth it for the few she actually wants.
This suits my wallet better than the Falcon! Thank you for the note, J! I hope these will be available in Germany, too. :)
I'd be curious to see if they do Lando's helmet from Return that he had while working for Jabba. Still for the price at least they're affordable even with the conversion rate. They must be planning to use every helmet in the franchise if it's a 60 issue run.
Got the Vader helmet today. Think I'll be taking the plastic box off.


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