Deadpool (Post-release)


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This is the post-release thread for Deadpool with spoiler discussion.

Deadpool | Red Band Trailer 2 [HD] | 20th Century FOX - YouTube



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I really, really enjoyed it. At it's core it's a comedy with generous servings of ultra-violence but there were a few things that were disappointing (to me).

1) Wade is Deadpool. And Deadpool kind of could have been more Deadpool...
There's no distinction between the two, he doesn't get incessantly zany post mutation, there's no real telltale signs of his split personalities (bar a line where he says "all of me", and even that's tenuous at best) and his internal monologue is only really dealt with via freeze frames with him still talking. Where were the animated overlays, the bizare cutaway infomercials? It could have been just that little bit braver than it was.

2) Overuse of material in trailers.
There were chains of jokes the trailers outright killed just because of the sheer volume they put out there.

3) Ajax is a lackey.
At the press screening I went to, we didn't get a post credit sequence (so unless something was revealed there) the ending felt a little flat for me. Ajax never came across as a big bad, it felt like there needed to be a grander threat.

To be fair though, all of those are minor points to how much I laughed at his regenerating tiny hand, the dropkick decapitation, the IKEA furniture and **** me sideways the huge supply of drugs "buried next to the cure for blindness".

It was great.

And I wouldn't want to see anyone but Reynolds in the red and black and darker shades of red with bits of gristle spandex, but it's left me hoping a sequel might be just that little bit bolder.

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Also, can anyone find me one of these?
Because I can't seem to for neither love nor money nor Voltron rings.
I haven't laughed at anything in the cinema recently as much as I did at Deadpool! Surprisingly its neither as terribly crude or gorily violent as I might have expected, (but has loads of general rudeness and ****ing swearing!!!!).It was very, very funny, with alot of nods towards the X men and Marvel universes, Monty Python classic sketches ,both comics and COMICS and it never lets up, even in the romantic parts. It was very knowing of its material and its a film that totally gets what its audience wants and its script absolutely understands and delivers on what you expected from a first time date with DP. The cinema was really packed for a midday showing and there was a real fun buzz of the kind I haven't seen or heard in a long while in a showing.

PS Watch to the finish for the end of credit scenes ( which also ties to the oldest EOCS I can ever remember seeing ,even down to the attire) and enjoy the credit cartoons before hand, but remember, this is Deadpool , this isn't for the easily offended. And keep your eyes open at the start for the irreverent title intros and one of the greatest wedgies in cinema history. Tons of blink and you miss them gags.
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I'll preface this by saying I think Deadpool was a good movie, and the reason I'm going to be so critical in my review is because I think it's a good movie with the potential to be a great movie. It's a shame there was a lot of wasted opportunities in this film.

I think the film suffered from pacing issues, the decision to have the story take place using flashbacks was the main culprit of this. Often when the film flashed back it felt so slow and I really wanted it to return to the 'present' time as soon as possible. Part of this is probably because I found the opening action sequence so strong and engaging, one of the best action sequences I've seen in a super-hero movie, yet the film never seemed to reach those action heights again. It's a real shame that the end action sequence isn't as strong, because the ending is what people will be leaving the cinema thinking about in the immediate aftermath of the film. It would have made more sense to end with the more spectacular action scene although I guess the studio didn't want to end with the highway action scene since that was what was already in the leaked test footage, so everyone would have already seen it before the film came out.

But hey I'm just being harsh because of the potential within the concept, it's still a good movie overall. I was really impressed with all the acting from everyone actually, and I liked the linking in to the wider X-Men universe. Comedy and action was all on point and seemed to hit the right balance of humor without going too over the top.

Let's hope that all the hyped fanboys actually translate into ticket sales, because this is a great first installment for Deadpool, but for the sequel Deadpool deserves they really need a bigger budget.
The way the flashbacks worked made this far more interesting than the ordinary linear way many other origin stories are told ,at least for me. It also made the "romantic " elements of the story better, broke up what would have been an unrelentingly action sequence . and helped pace the introduction of all the other characters.
More essentially it totally allowed Wade /Deadpool far more time to narrate and interact with the audience, and its written so he's telling his story ,from his POV to us and that's the whole point of this film. Deadpool "superpower" is really all about being his character and I thought the script absolutely delivered everything in those terms ,he was so rarely off the screen from beginning to the very end and it worked .
Yes the budget constraints were mentioned wittily several times throughout the film, and everything seems to have been worked up based on the fact Fox were willing to take a punt at it, but NOT much of a financial risk. And I think that worked of it really well, like any comedian getting his first gig, its smaller and more personal than the over blown epics out there, you got to know the character ,his dark sense of humour and lets face it, not many people out there really do. And the marketing campaign seems to have worked well, because I was surprised by just how young the audience were, mainly college students and people under thirty, as opposed to the usual bunch I see on first dayers. And that crowd laughed through nearly all of it, though there were a few across the pond references ( a couple of things with Blind Al that not many, including me, got). I enjoyed it more than most of the films I saw last year, a bit more than Ant Man ,which was great fun and Kingsman and I'd left chuckling at the very end all most as much as I did in the middle and at the very beginning.
Deadpool costume curiosity....

Does anyone know, or seen how they made the effect on deadpan mask for the eyes? I keep trying to figure out if it is cgi or practical.
Re: Deadpool costume curiosity....

Its got to be CGI. Saw it today and I don't think they could have managed it in any other way. The mask itself looks like its been animated slightly to exaggerate his expressions but its a very good look. The phrase " Don't shoot until you see the whites of his eyes" has never been so apt .
Saw this today, lunchtime show. Quite a full theatre surprisingly.

Absolutely loved it. I havent laughed all the way through a film like that for a long time, if ever. Constant and consistent humour. I know I probably missed some of it too, I'm rewatching this at some point.

CutThumb summed it up pretty brilliantly for me, I agree with every word.
Good film, there is something after the credits but its not essential viewing.

I wonder how they got away with having a helicarrier?
Saw it last night and came away so happy. Really, really enjoyed it. I stopped reading comics right around the time Deadpool was introduced, so I'm only tangentially aware of the character. I'm sure there were tons of easter eggs\inside jokes that I missed, but there were still so many laughs and great moments that I couldn't tell. This movie is just incredible. I love that they got so irreverent with the genre and made this movie the way they did. As some people have mentioned, they really could've gone further with this, and I feel if they had that they would've pulled it off. Hopefully in the sequel. That post credits sequence, though! :lol

2 years ago if you had told me that my 2 favorite comic book movies would be Guardians of the Galaxy and Deadpool, I would've wondered what kind of drugs you were on, but that is exactly where I find myself and I love it.
God I'm so grateful they fought like hell to make this movie the way it is. It captured everything I loved about Deadpool and just ramped it up.

The end credit scene spoof was perfect but for me best joke had to be between the Xavier/timeline one and the X mansion always blowing up (which is a great nod to the comic fans).

Definitely seeing it again this weekend.
Deadpool is perhaps not a game changer but it lived up to the hype for me.

The awesome action during the first act including the great opening credits sets the bar really high, thus the third act (thanks to budget cut) feels a little short on action, though overall it's paced well. Also enjoyed the characters of Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, especially how Colossus and the X-Men were depicted in the story line.

Despite its A rating here the was movie toned down a little with its depiction of gore and language. Damn Censor Board of India. Not sure how many scenes were affected, but the one scene in particular which got cut short was the triple head shot which was prominent in the red band trailer.

The humor really elevates the movie from being just another violent action movie. Wade and Vanessa with their messed up past are ideal for each other. And it's their love story which makes the stakes all the more personal in Deadpool rather than any other catastrophe.

Though there were some prominent songs in the movie, Deadpool himself didn't seem to have a distinct theme music or at least I didn't recognize it during the movie.

Deadpool is hilarious, entertaining, and a refreshing change in the genre of superhero movies. And Ryan Reynolds has plenty of charm to keep this franchise thriving for few more sequels. Bring on Cable!
Saw it last night. Loved it to bits! It was a lot of fun Even got a little copy of Deadpool to hang out with!

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