Daft Punk Guy-Manuel Helmet Build

If you wouldn't mind posting just the width and length of the bottom of your helmet, that would be enough to get me started. I had a helmet I was working on at college but after some water damage i ended up throwing it out. I should have saved it for the dimensions because they were pretty close, but now I can't seem to get them right again. Argh.

Thanks again man.
A little more progress:



Sorry, you'd asked for dimensions and I forgot to get them to you. I'll post them this weekend.

If you wouldn't mind posting just the width and length of the bottom of your helmet, that would be enough to get me started. I had a helmet I was working on at college but after some water damage i ended up throwing it out. I should have saved it for the dimensions because they were pretty close, but now I can't seem to get them right again. Argh.

Thanks again man.
This is coming along great,
If you trying to find some thing more solid for the circuit inserts you could always make a silicon mold of what youve got then pure resin ones that way they would be solid plastic,
Just a thought any way,
Thanks for the suggestion, much appreciated. I'm thinking at this point of using PET left over after the vacuforming, but I may need some backup options as well!
I think this picture captures both the triumphs thus far and the work yet remaining. And everything looks better with a new coat of paint.

The ear detail is just a placeholder, the actual will now (I think) be laser-cut acrylic as soon as my brother comes through.

I'm also waiting on the "swiss cheese" holes until I get the rest of the shape final. I'm trying to conserve bondo - I've gone through way too much already!

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