Daft Punk Guy Helmet: Final p.16, TRON p.20

Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

Thanks for the tips guys, I'm actually sending them off to a company that does a process called "cosmichrome" which several Daft Punk replica makers have used in the past. This is a Guy helmet that was done in cosmichrome, by a guy named "CRTSHCTR" on TheDaftClub.com:


If mine come out looking that good, I'll be pleased.

Visor mold is finished, shipped out yesterday to my friend who will be doing the vac-forming (BlindSquirrel here on the RPF)

Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

Thanks for the tips guys, I'm actually sending them off to a company that does a process called "cosmichrome" which several Daft Punk replica makers have used in the past. This is a Guy helmet that was done in cosmichrome, by a guy named "CRTSHCTR" on TheDaftClub.com:

If mine come out looking that good, I'll be pleased.

Visor mold is finished, shipped out yesterday to my friend who will be doing the vac-forming (BlindSquirrel here on the RPF)

I always was interested in how CRT was able to "chrome" his helmets for so cheap. Interesting

If I were you I would stay away from the daft club. There are some good people on there, but generally its a bunch of 12-15 year olds with threads about who's hotter, Guy-Man or Thomas, etc... I used to be a regular contributor on there, I started the now 200 page long "tips and tricks for making helmets" thread, but I just couldn't take it anymore.

If you so much as SHOW your helmets on there, get ready to have an inbox full of messages asking "ZOMG HOW DO MAKE THE DAFT PUNK HELMET? FOR SALE CAN BUY KPLZTNXS" :thumbsdown
Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

Apparently this is what $100 in shipping gets you these days:


When I sent these out, they were wrapped in plastic, foam, then bubble wrap and they were completely isolated. The guys at M&M just tossed them back into the box without wrapping at all. They got pretty knocked around, and scarred up, as you can see in this shot:


Also, the rep at the new place the helmets went to said they were actually oily. Like, someone had rubbed their hands all over them after eating a bag of potato chips. Anyone who has done detail paint (let alone chroming) will know that oil will kill a paintjob.

These guys are some thieving pricks. I hope this comes around to them in the future. I'm not sure I'm justified in making a "stay away" thread just about these jackoffs, but I sure feel like doing that. Thoughts?
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Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

ahh got you now.

so you sent these off to get chromed and they sent them back (badly) because they said they were oily?

hope you have better luck somewhere else, cant wait to see the finished article.........:thumbsup
Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

You should definitely write them and make a big **** about their customer service and shipping. Maybe if you try hard enough you can get some money back.
Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

ahh got you now.

so you sent these off to get chromed and they sent them back (badly) because they said they were oily?

hope you have better luck somewhere else, cant wait to see the finished article.........:thumbsup

Check this post for the previous part of the story. Short version: they jumped the price by $150 once they had my items in-hand, then charged me $100 for 2-day COD shipping when I said "no, send them back"

Helmets will be plated tomorrow, and I should be able to pick them up by the end of the week. The guys plating them said they might shoot video too, so be on the lookout for that!
Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

Awesome work. I just recently ran across my copy of Electroma (I had misplaced it) and it made me search for some DP stuff and lo and behold I found this thread. Really top notch work...I may be interested in the future when and if you provide these.

Sorry to hear about the chroming incident, have you ever thought of using paint instead? Perhaps for a lower budget alternative. I know a company Alsa makes a really good chrome paint...it's not your typical chrome paint. Have you ever seen the cars that are painted "chrome" (I think 50 cent has one), well they use this paint.


Stuff is called Killer Chrome, I've seen a demo of it at a car show and I think it's the closest thing to real chrome out of a can.

They have lot of cool paints that would work well fora lot of replica builders for other projects. I didn't search to see if the had been posted about before, but it might be new to others here, good stuff to check out.

Well good luck with the rest, I'm looking forward to seeing the final end result.
Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

I've actually found a local supplier here in GA that will be doing a process called "cosmichrome" or the finish. I'll let you guys know how it goes and post up a link if I can honestly recommend their services.


oh. hell. yes.


BlindSquirrel did a FANTASTIC job on these. I'm dying to get them in the mail. The vac-forming took a few tries (mostly because I built a crappy buck that caused a lot of problems) but we've got 2 perfect pulls in 1/16" PETG just waiting for tint.

Again, just so we're clear: I DID NOT DO THE VAC-FORMING ON THESE PIECES. As I don't have vacuum-forming capabilities, these were sent out to a fellow propmaker named "BlindSquirrel" You can check out his work here: www.mydumbprojects.blogspot.com



and a shot to show the clarity:


I am so glad I can finally stop getting the question "How are you going to see out of it?"
Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

Hoo alright! Mike just sent me a link to this, looks fantastic (both in all the progress of the Helms and the visor.

Looking forward to seeing more once you get the visors back!
Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

Hoo alright! Mike just sent me a link to this, looks fantastic (both in all the progress of the Helms and the visor.

Hey Fev! Glad you're on this board too!

Off-topic, but are you going to DragonCon this year? I'd love to take a look at some of your work. I'll have the helmet there too (hopefully!) so you can check it out in person if you'd like.
Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

Hihi Volpin :) Joined in the last wave of registrations too! Just too busy to really go and post.

But yeah, will be at Dragon*con, tis our hometown convention!

Don't have much by way of finished props here (they're out to their respective owners) but i'll be running around in my cosplay gear. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for it though!

WIllyou be wearing it, or the guy commissioning you?
Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

WIllyou be wearing it, or the guy commissioning you?

I'll be wearing it; my client is in California. I'm making 2 of these. Mine won't have electronics in it for the time being.

On that note...


VIDEO just posted by the guys doing my plating.

wow, just wow.
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