D.C.'s Gotham tv series

Re: D.C.'s Gotham City tv series

I hope that after season 1 we see Bruce travel to different countries learning the abilities he has now as batman riddler and penquin being older makes sense to me I have a feeling this may be set in the same universe as arkham games where penquin states how the Wayne destroyed him so.it makes sense for him to.be older and the riddler is never really a physical threat he could be in a wheelchair 70 yearold and still be a threat because he a psosyopath. All I'm worried about is young ivy WTF?( she better not have her powers) and I'm worried because the killer is masked the whole season will be about finding the killer who.more then likely will.be young joker :/ joker is great but he doesn't need to be in every batman story.
But I love smallville so.I imagine I'll enjoy the
Re: D.C.'s Gotham City tv series

They better not bring the joker into this, there is no joker without batman in almost all oh his origin stories. The classic one being him falling in an acid vat during a heist interrupted by batman. They can follow the man he was before the joker, what led him to commit this heist, but given how young Bruce is, it wouldn't happen before at least ten years, so no point in following him.
Re: D.C.'s Gotham City tv series

Bringing joker in is sad. I understand wanting to break away from the mythos, but that is one of the very fundamental parts of it and it doesn't need to be changed. Nor do all the ages of villains. That's just putting them in there to get a little villainous brand recognition. This already looks like it may go the way of Arrow or Smallville: right down the toilet.
Re: D.C.'s Gotham City tv series

There’s more people, it’s a more colorful place, t’s a more vivid place, it’s more crowded. The inspiration for me and Danny was New York in the ’70s, because we both remember that as a seminal moment, coming to the city for the first time. This is very much that kind of Gotham —
..... huh?

So Gotham is now NY in the 70s. Right.
I guess Metropolis is going to be Chicago.
Might as well have made it San Francisco.
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Re: D.C.'s Gotham City tv series

I'm interested in this it look good,my main small gripe is Gordon and Bruce getting too close-however I could see Gordon taking a somewhat fatherly path to the kid since he did see his folks murdered...if Bruce goes AWOL in a season or two that'd fit as he could be on his way to becoming Batman.

As far as you guys going ape ga-ga over Joker and how horrible that is....well a guy like Joker doesn't just happen over night,he'd be like a serial killer and there'd be signs over time so a younger Joker who's obviously insane would work,same with the others they didn't just APPEAR when Batman did they've probably been heading down this path for years and in some way Batman is responsible for them as I always thought they didn't think of putting on a weird outfit until BATMAN showed up then they copycatted him and~here we go.

So...it has potential,just if they do it right.....
Re: D.C.'s Gotham City tv series

So basically, as an adult, Bruce Wayne never moved away from his home town and lives in the same house, still in angst over the same personal tragedy and hangs out with all the same people.
Is Gotham a small hick-town or something?
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Re: D.C.'s Gotham City tv series

I like their penguin, even if he's not fat, I can live with that. He even has the umbrella ! Although except for a spike maybe I dont see it turning into portable helicopter thingy :p
The rest ? Meh. They had plenty of known mob bosses to choose from (Falcone family being the obvious one) and they go for a, unknown "business woman" ? Wait & see but she's better be well written, and go away before Bruce puts on the cowl. And I sure hope to god we won't see the joker at any point in this !
Re: D.C.'s Gotham City tv series

While arrow was a pleasant surpise, this seems to be going in the other direction. I liked the idea of going into gotham with no batman but some things just cant be changed. Especially when it comes to iconic batman villains (joker for example) being added with no batman... :facepalm
Re: D.C.'s Gotham City tv series

I would just rather see a show about Bruce during his years abroad before he became Batman. In addition to his physical training show how he became the world's greatest detective. That doesn't just come overnight. He would have had to somehow solved hundreds of cases.
Re: D.C.'s Gotham City tv series

This is bad so far imo and its only 20 min in. At least Donal Logue is in it


So whos idea was it to cram all the villains in the first episode....makes sense. Or Gordon yell stop or I'll shoot after the guy unloads half a clip ugh
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Re: D.C.'s Gotham City tv series

I liked it. I think you have to go into the show not thinking its a batman show or you will be disapointed. I'm really liking the Penguin and how dark he is becoming.

Did is anyone else get a Joker vibe from the comedian in Fish's club?
the parents demise still gets me teary-eyed even after all these different versions. bruce screams............which kind of broke my heart, which we hadnt seen in any other version.
overall i like where this is headed.
Might check this show out at some point. I really don't like the idea of them having bruce so young and his entire rogues gallery already grown up. I think they would have been best served to have the show resemble Ed brubaker's Gotham Central series. I guess they figured they needed to have Bruce as a draw factor, but its actually the one thing that is turning me off from the series.
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