Coyle Blade Runner Blaster build - PIC HEAVY


Sr Member

Finally!!! I too joined the club of lucky people who have an all metal blaster replica! :)
It's been a few years I've been wanting it so I bought the kit around christmas time from mr. Richard Coyle. It arrived in a week, but got held up in customs for another two weeks.. Needles to say those times were hard for my nerves. Since it was insured for 600$, they wanted to bill me with another 200$ at customs. Of course I lied that I got it as a gift, and that I dont know its true value. Its a toy gun, how can it cost 600$, right!?! haha. Well long story short, it ended with me bribing the customs officer with 30$, and he just let me have it... :$

First, the absolutely necessary ritual of spreading the kit on the table:


The kit is great, and castings are precisely done. I was suprised how big and heavy the blaster will be when complete. There is a fair amoung of cleanup to be done on many parts, but pewter is a very soft material and it shouldn't be a problem.


You can manage to achieve chrome like surface with pewter. (if you are persistent enough) :)


Its been a few days of constant sanding and polishing.. My fingers are starting to hurt..


Here I cut the end of receiver as Rich showed in his tutorial.. Of course you need to find the courage first :lol.


I filed and sanded the receiver. I had to be carefull not to damage the lettering.


Aaaah, favorite part - polishing:


There are a few holes in the metal, here and there.. I couldn't sand them off becouse i would sand the numbers as well, so I just let them be.. I figure it is a well used gun and it gives it more realism.. I'll probably accidentally make some new holes pretty soon too, so better to leave it as it is..


Okay, after a few days I had enough of sanding and polishing so I decided it is time to start building this thing, right???


I must say that I couldn't find the tapping equipment of needed diameters. The screws too are diferent diameters than what we use in europe, at least not that common. So what I do is I drill a slightly smaller hole and force-screw them in. Since pewter is soft, they make their own thread. It works great.


Here all 3 screws are holding the Bulldog grip frame in place (its hard to see the third one but its there):


That's where I'm at now. Its been a couple of days allready and its going very slow. Which I like actually becouse it is a joy to make this great prop!!!

I do have a couple of questions for you guys that built your own..
1. I'm not sure which screw holds the trigger guard and swing arm to the bulldog frame. The one i put on the photo has the correct head, but it looks too short to me, and i didn't get any longer than that.


2. Does the hole need to be to the right like the casting suggests, or should I drill it in the middle?


Okay, sorry I posted like a 100 photos, but I enjoy seeing others build their blasters, so I hope someone will find it interesting..

See you soon, I'm going for a :cheers:cheers:cheers


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The swing arm should be placed all the way up and THEN drilled.

The hole is off center on the real Bulldog so that is correct.

You should have a longer round head screw if not I will mail a couple to you.

Note the markings of the original hole around the drilling mark, that is where it was.

Feel free to email me with questions. Or post them here to share.

Congrats Lukafilm on getting the "BEST" BLASTER KIT IN THE WORLD from my buddy Richard. You are doing an AWESOME job so far.

Thanks Rich for being the MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE on these Blasters than anybody I know and the fact that you Richard back you product with real world communication :thumbsup
Looks like this is going to be an awesome build, thanks for documenting so carefully. This is great for me, i have a resin version by Rich but your build will definitely help me with screw placement and overall assembly.

Keep going, cant wait to see more.
Very good start on that build...yeah, the Coyle is the one I want and need in the future. Keep up the good work, it's going to look mighty good when it's all finished:cool
Thanks Rich! I'll post any questions I have here so it could maby be helpfull to somebody else too..
Hi Kroenen! I noticed in a different thread that you got yourself this kit too. Be sure to document your build, I would really like to see what you'll do with it..

I didn't do much in the last two days.. I would just like to show what my friend gave me the other day. He had the bullet at home and it was lucky that it matches perfectly the bullet in ammo housing. So I'll replace the resin one with real bullet.

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A word of caution, the full size bullet MIGHT take up room where the battery goes.

You should check and may need to sand about 1/3 to 1/2 of it away.

Which is why I don't use the real thing myself.

Wow good work !I am trying to build one with some parts from Rich I will use a airsoft frame to begin with...I will check you work .I am waiting for next batch of metal parts from Rich.

Today I only had time to work a little on the receiver bolt so not much to show. First I drilled two holes ONLY through the bolt and sunk them:


Then epoxied cocking lever on (with screws left in the holes so epoxy doesn't fill them):


..and then drilled the holes all the way through and screwed it all together. It aint going nowhere now. :)


I also spent the morning getting some info from weapon shops in the city. I would like to get some real, but non-working bullets for the blaster, and for the accompanying ammo box.. It turnes out .44 caliber are very rare where I live so it will be much harder to find them than I thought. If I find just the shells I could probably make my own top parts, but we'll see what will happen..
Luka, I might have a box of .44 Magnum brass sitting at home that I am not using. They need to be cleaned but otherwise can be used as fakes. They don't have the projectiles in them, they are just the brass. I'll double check.
Mags MIGHT be too long.

They run about 1/8 inch longer than the specials, but you can sand them down a little.

I know they will not fit a real cylinder.


Luka, I might have a box of .44 Magnum brass sitting at home that I am not using. They need to be cleaned but otherwise can be used as fakes. They don't have the projectiles in them, they are just the brass. I'll double check.
Yes the Bulldog is a cheap gun, I would really worry firing a full mag load thought it...

Old gun Joke/fact, if you going to carry a gun for self defense, you take it to a gun range and fire 500 rounds though it and after that you know it and can count on it (if no malfunctions...)

Do that to a Charter Arms Bulldog 44 and you have worn it out....

As far as we know it was a 44 Bulldog and I would put a 44 bore barrel on it..and it looked like a 44 BUT as it was only going to fire blanks it is a possibility, but considering the size of the frame if it was a 50 there would be no back barrel, like this:


See the beginning of the looks like a 44 to me.

A fair idea, I normally send brass and hydro shock bullets but shipping these rounds can be a problem with customs in other countries.

Such totally dummy rounds might not have any problems UNLESS they THINK you have a REAR gun as these are for saving firing pins on real guns, might being unwanted attention.



Ahh, I didn't know the bulldog used was for .44 special instead of mag.

Although wasnt the the movie gun chambered in .45?

you could also grab these and paint them: Carlson's Snap Cap 44 Special Aluminum Red Package of 6
Thanks Rich! I'll post any questions I have here so it could maby be helpfull to somebody else too..
Hi Kroenen! I noticed in a different thread that you got yourself this kit too. Be sure to document your build, I would really like to see what you'll do with it..

I didn't do much in the last two days.. I would just like to show what my friend gave me the other day. He had the bullet at home and it was lucky that it matches perfectly the bullet in ammo housing. So I'll replace the resin one with real bullet.

I´m waiting for some parts now...and when I have them I will start my build,too.Do you wanna paint your blaster or do you wanna use a metal patina?
I wanna do the second way...and thats why I´m very careful with any chemical metal polish on the parts.It can be a problem with the chemicals of the patina when you cannot remove it complete before.
I had the idea with the real ammo in the clip too...but it could really need too much space that you need for the electrics?But when it works I will do the same.;)
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