confusion over endoskull versions


Active Member

Can anyone tell me how many licensed endoskulls there are?

I'm familiar with the Toynami bust, and also the most recent Sideshow one with the removable cpu, but ive also heard mention of a HCG version?
Does anyone have a chronological guide to whats available (preferably with pictures and a guide price :love
I'm pretty sure that there's an old Icons version floating around as well.
hcg and toynami are the same bust.

There were 5 endoskulls. (i think)

HCG clean and combat
Sideshow clean and combat

sideshow has the removeable chip - and when looking at them there are some clues to help you figure out which version you're looking at.

1) the sideshow skull is longer than the HCG
2) the sideshow clean version has a rainbow effect on the top right part of its' forehead.
3) the plaque in the front is different. The HCG version has silver letters with a black background. the sideshow version has black letters with a silver background.
4) some people clean their sideshow combat versions with nail polish remover - so you can tell it's a genuine sideshow clean version by looking at the back and there's a distinct blue nut that sideshow added to the right side of the bust that's only on the clean version.
5) icons really easy to tell because it's a skull with three or four neck vertebrae attached to a flat black piece of plastic - it looks very different from the hcg or the sideshow.

prices - well - those fluctuate wildly $400-$900- it all depends on how much money the buyer has and the seller is willing to let it go for.... nowadays prices are dropping for a lot of things - much lower than they ever would.
I was reading thru this thread -
and saw this photo -

(left = sideshow, righht = toynami/HCG)

and this one from a different forum


(left = icons, right = sideshow)

... are there others that look any different to these three then?
Don't forget about the M1 skull. I know it's a model, but it is supposedly cast from a screen used skull, so that should count for something, right?
As for 1:1 kits, M1 made the best and most accurate licensed kit. Although slightly undersized, the details are sharp. The Greyzone is inaccurate. I believe it was made from a custom sculpt.


whats the m1 skull? is that the same as the grayzone skull?

and wasnt the dvd player a refit of one of the vinyl kits?
ooo i never saw that one before.... now i want one :angry

realistically tho, i cant decide if i want the toynami version or the sideshow one... i could pick up the toynami for a good price but i think the sideshow one captured the look of the endo way better (plus it doesnt have the cheesy sound effects)

Get the Sideshow.. Its more expensive, but it is more accurate and you can keep the eyes lit constantly where there HCG will only stay on for about 8 seconds with sound effects
I got my SS 1:1 Combat Endoskull bust last week. It is awesome! you can see some pics HERE

Courtesy of FelMarWeta on SSF forums:


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