Chrono Trigger sealed door crest


Master Member
Chrono Trigger, one of my favorite games from the Super Nintendo. It turns 20 this year. So I thought it would be cool to make the crest of a sealed door that once done, will hang over my closet door.
While this is the perfect project for a 3D printer, that is something I don't have, or even know anyone with. I'm not good at symmetrical drawings and sanding things out so to just put it on poster board and paint it best I can is fine for me.

Heres one of the doors in the game.

Here it is blown way up...super blocky and blurry.

I had to figure out how that would look drawn. So I did this quick sketch to get an idea.

Then using the blown up picture, in photoshop I drew out one side to my liking. Copied and flipped it to get this.

Printed half of that and traced it on the poster board.

Cut it out.

Added card board on the back to give it at least a bit of depth.

Made this background plate to glue it to and hang that on the door.

For now, here is what I have.

I need to paint the back black some more. The crest itself more shades of grey (pun not intended, but funny) Thinking of coating it softly with a bit of silver for more bang.
Wanted to try and get this done tonight, but its now past 3am, think I'll finish tomorrow.
Nice cell-shaded look you went with there. I love that look. Very clean.

Also you have my favorite Episode I poster. Sweet.

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Thanks. Wanted to actually have it more realistic, but the paint wouldn't blend at all. I think it captures the look from the game better anyways this way.

I don't even remember where I got that Ep I poster.
Love the paintjob and you made me feel very very old by mentioning it turning 20 this year lol. Wish they'd do a proper sequel but the squaresoft who made the SNES era games has moved on.
Love the paintjob and you made me feel very very old by mentioning it turning 20 this year lol. Wish they'd do a proper sequel but the squaresoft who made the SNES era games has moved on.

Thanks. I had a feeling you would post something about this. ha
Hard to believe its 20 years old already. I was just going into 8th grade back then. I actually have this weird crazy plan to play through the game 100 times....although if I achieve this goal, it will be much more than actually. 7 playthroughs on the SNES, which I had to barrow from a friend anyways, but turning the game on one night, the file was deleted.
So I 'm now playing on the Playstation. That version is much slower, but it works with being able to copy files from memory cards. In a playthrough, I get every item I can, sidequest, all of it so in the end, I'll have 99 of everything that carries over in newgame +. Right now, I'm at 32 playthroughs, not counting the 7 SNES ones. So yes, call me crazy.
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