Check Out My New Vader! Update Post#60 11/28/2012

Re: Check Out My New Vader!

don't sell yourself short. That Vader is wicked cool. Nice job! :thumbsup

If you redo your mannequin using foam, I would keep those proportions.
They look perfect.
Re: Check Out My New Vader!

Thats really one of the best Vaders i've seen in the past years and a good example that its possible to get a super display without using just the best of the best parts. Its not lookin like a mannequin but like an actor with the right proportions in the costume...well done.
Re: Check Out My New Vader!

Very impressive. :)

For the feeble stuff I've made so far, I've tried to keep my head out of the "I know he's not as accurate as some" space & focus on something that looks how I imagine it should or something I can say "I'm quite pleased with".

I'd be proud to have somethin' like that, especially if I did most of the work myself.

Well done!
Re: Check Out My New Vader!

Hate to change the subject, but where did you get the Han Solo? Did you make that also?

Very cool display... I'm back in the early 80s watching ESB in my head!
Re: Check Out My New Vader!

Wow have to give props to you for a magnificent display. You hear some huge prices tossed around even in the 5 digit territory but you've shown that for a reasonable price, you can put together a phenomenal Vader.

Thanks for sharing!
Re: Check Out My New Vader!

Hey gang,

I have my house to myself tonight, so I fully intended to do the mannequin mods. That was until I went to the store and saw how much foam costs... It would have cost close to $200 for all of the foam I would need! The bubble wrap mannequin is just going to have to do for now. :lol

Anyway, since I was in the mood to work on Vader, I thought I would make a few adjustments:

1. I rewired the electronics to plug in to the wall, so now when I flip the lights on in my office, Vader and Han both light up and blink! :)
2. I gave him the ROTJ belly ;)
3. I hiked his belt and cod up a bit - for some reason I like the look of the belt and chest box being a bit closer together.
4. I tweaked is stance very slightly and relaxed his hands.

Anyway, here's a new pioc of how he stands tonight:

Thanks again for all of the great comments and complements!

For the record, I am VERY proud of this display. I just don't want anybody thinking I don't know it isn't 100% perfect. ;)

I should really thank GINO for setting the bar so high with his Vader displays. I know for a fact that if his Vaders weren't as awesome as they are, that I would never have gotten this good of a result within the budget that I had. At some point I would like to replace a couple parts of this display, but for now, I'm tickled pink to have a sweet Vader standing in my office.
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Re: Check Out My New Vader!

This is incredible, looks like could suddenly start walking around the room. Very clean looking. Amazing work with constructing the interior "mannequin", it really looks convincing, like there's a solid body under there
Re: Check Out My New Vader!

I should really thank GINO for setting the bar so high with his Vader displays. I know for a fact that if his Vaders weren't as awesome as they are, that I would never have gotten this good of a result within the budget that I had.

Hey Thanks Chris.
Looking good man. :thumbsup
I know you are happy with the display as is, but if you were to replace the ESB style chestbox and buckle with ROTJ versions, you'd have a pretty nifty ROTJ setup.

Re: Check Out My New Vader!

I love the setup with Vader "admiring" Solo in carbonite. Awesome.
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