Captain America Suit: Avengers 2 - Reverence and building thread

Im really liking the new cap suit, its much more armoured and protective looking than the stealth suit without looking bulky and cumbersome like the First Avenger suit
What fabrics were used in the TWS suit? Does anyone know? Looks like a cordura nylon, but not sure. Anyone have any guesses on the new Avengers suit?
Chris, I plan on using this for my TWS suit. I think it's pretty close. Especially if you compare it to the screenshot I've attached of his arm...


Here's some more pics. Really just need photos of the back without the shield to get the whole picture. I found a video where they are changing his shield out, but no pics of the back.


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It is almost as if the production team doesn't want us to see the back of the new uniform.

Looks like the brackets on the shield have changed or that just a function of being a stunt for back wear only shield?
It is almost as if the production team doesn't want us to see the back of the new uniform.

Looks like the brackets on the shield have changed or that just a function of being a stunt for back wear only shield?

Probably stunt shield brackets, hero shield handles will likely look the same as before. We never really got a good look at the stealth suit's back design for a really long time as well, I think other than costume builders nobody else really cares what the back looks like under the shield :lol

I just noticed he doesn't wear the leather shield harness when in his robe. Might be like in TWS when he had the Golden Age suit towards the end and he wore the leather harness only to carry the shield on his back (scene where he was talking to SHIELD on the PA) but didn't have the harness for all the other scenes.
I honestly can not get enough of this outfit it's gorgeous. I'm trying to get a quick pattern sketch drawn up so I have some idea of how it all fits together but I've never done anything like this before and it's super difficult.
Any help on this would be really appreciated. I think I'm probably taking on a bit too much for a first sew.
I think since no good back shots are available, the best places to start with a build would be the harness, belt, and boots. The leather parts are the same as the WS suit, and the reference shots for the boots isn't bad. But the shirt and pants, I would want the full picture on those before starting them. Think I will start the boots very soon.
You know, I think they might have made that out of cordura. Anyone else want to get in on identifying the fabric? Seems like there might have been a base motorcycle jacket to the whole thing.
Makes some sense (Okay, all of it). Any idea how they're getting the flexible raised parts like that on the ab section? Doesn't look like foam to me, but maybe cotton?
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