"Captain America, how exciting!" TWS TFA Rescue USO and Ultimates WW2

Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

where did you get those pants? i am getting the top part of the costume, but i still need the pants :D and those seem a perfect match with a little work, im not a sucker for screen accuracy anyway :)
Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

yeah i could if i tried but i dont have the time to give!!! too busy with college and now i have to build a new suit for next october!!!!
Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

where did you get those pants? i am getting the top part of the costume, but i still need the pants :D and those seem a perfect match with a little work, im not a sucker for screen accuracy anyway :)

Someone else had a similar issue ;) That is why I started my TFA suit with the pants.


Made in the USA and the quality over the Berne suit really shows.
Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

yeah i could if i tried but i dont have the time to give!!! too busy with college and now i have to build a new suit for next october!!!!

:cool School is better but what is this new suit you speak of.
Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

I'm not going to order .75 inch webbing... just going to use 1.5 and run a black stitch down the center.

Or that is the plan at least. I'm busting needles left and right :confused, to include Singers supposedly Heavy Duty needle for denim jeans. That little wonder didn't last two stitch lines.

When it comes time to put all the straps together, may have to use the awl. :thumbsup Wish I had that when I was doing the rescue jacket.

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Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

Nice shoulder work! Those irked me to no end. I still have to redo them, they made me so angry. What thickness of foam are you using?
Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

I truly am feeling your pain. The left isn't even done and all I can think is I still have to do this again!
Up to this point, used 1 sheet of 12x18x1/16 and 3 sheets of 9x12x3/16 (two black and one white) to make both sides, top and bottom.

Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

Those shoulder pads are coming along nicely. As is the whole project, I might add.
Forgot to ask you, did you wind up using the color remover on the Pointer pants or just on the coveralls? And if so, how did it effect the contrast in the herringbone pattern?
Still trying to decide what to do with my pants. Probably going to try to dye them a lighter shade of blue, nothing too deep or bright. But I haven't decided if I want to color remove them first or not.
Thanks again for any help and keep the updates coming!
Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

The 2:14 post on the 15th shows the results of the first wash, 1 hour of agitation, with color remover ONLY.
What is shown is the pockets from the Pointer Pants sewn on the sleeves of the Bernie Suit.
The 7:15 post, same day, has the sleeves after the second wash.

The Pointer retains the contrast better than the Bernie. Even after a third wash, the sleeves are not white but are a baby blue. :thumbsdown

I have yet to use/try the dye on the pants and may not use the dye at all and just the remover on everything.

I have to make all the blue bits and will then color remove the pants, shoulders and vest so they should be uniform and the white cotton thread is also dyed. All in one shot and If it fails then the entire project will die.
Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

Spent the evening in the kitchen solving an interesting problem.
I didn't want to spend the $35 to $40 to get a jar of urethane to cast the small shoulder stars.
Thanks to Steamshovel, could use hot glue but I didn't have the sculpt/putty mold he made.
I thought I could use a star candy mold but didn't have any Pam so I rubbed the pan with Canola Oil.
Well, the hot glue deformed the pan and the first star I tried.

So, I prepped four other cavities with oil and floated the pan in ice water.

Despite the oil the stars would not release, so I tossed the candy pan in the freezer and they all popped free.

The top center is the deformed star fish creation, the other four not too bad.

Still needs trimming and paint but should do the job.

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Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

Cut down the upper body of the work suit in to a vest and started to add the panel details.

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Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

Each panel has the same bias as shown in the auction catalog.
Retained the gusset on the shoulders from the work suit, so it is a minor deviation but should keep me from busting the seams on the back.

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Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

That looks tremendous!
Thanks again for the referral on the the pants. I got both the Pointer jeans and the coveralls this week. I'm gonna return the coveralls however and order a second pair of jeans as the difference in hue is just a little too much for my taste.
So as a test run, tonight I removed one of the pockets and gave it a strong color removal treatment. After about 30 min and a full packet of RIT remover (which I realize is overkill for 1 pocket), pretty much all of the color had been drained from the fabric. The herringbone pattern and the contrast between the stripes had been almost completely eliminated. So now I know.
Now I am going to remove the other pocket and experiment with blends of blue until I find something I like. I want something bright enough to compliment the UD jacket but not too much as to overpower it.
Meanwhile, once again Fly, your project looks awesome!
Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

BB: I wish I only had the pants to make so I was stuck with the Berne Pointer combo to get all the fabric I needed and not get too expensive. But I don't envy having to match leather and cotton.
It is a fair guess that there are other Jacket owners that need pants.

Gentlemen, thanks for your assistance, praise and interest.... for a while there felt like a self-licking ice cream cone.

SO for two weeks, I have seen tomorrow become today and today become yesterday. Kind of the sewing version of the 72 day walking school, just without the hunger.

The goal is to have this suit done, minus the boot cuff and holster, by February 14th, not because it will be a patriotic Valentines Day, but that is the projected day my wife returns. :thumbsup
She knows about the pants but doesn't know about the rest of the suit.

So I put everything that was done together to see what it looks like. I still have the shirt to make so I just wore a long sleeve t-shirt. Also if the color wash on the blue parts fail I have one slightly out of focus picture.

My fellow brethren will believe that I need to go **** and bleed... but I found a good use for having to wear armor all the time. Emulated the same Velcro flap closure system as the old vest for a no zipper front on the suit. Think it should stay put.

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Re: "Captain America, how exciting!" TWS concept and TFA

This is a really fun thread to be following. I am so impressed by your work and creativity. I wish I had the patience to do these kinds of things, but I sure don't. You're doing a fantastic job, and thanks for keeping us updated.

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